Stepping ( Prod by XVIBE )

Stepping ( Prod by XVIBE )

歌手:Jason KramerSamXtheGhettoBoi



  • LRC歌词
  • 文本歌词

[00:00.00] 作词 : Jason Kramer/贺晨曦/SamXtheGhettoBoi

[00:01.00] 作曲 : Jason Kramer/贺晨曦/SamXtheGhettoBoi

[00:17.97]Jason Kramer

[00:19.15]Verse 1:

[00:20.75]Yo, wait a second 怎么说呢...

[00:21.88]Lately I got black on black 一直以来都喜欢全身黑

[00:23.14]Anybody know the reason why my thought is always under attacked 想问为什么我的思想总是这么压抑

[00:25.78]Somebody told me to hospital 曾被叫去过医院

[00:27.10]I ain’t know if I can trust those people 可是我还能相信那群“白衣天使”吗

[00:28.35]“Open my window” that is weird tho 他们告诉我打开我的心窗,这反倒很奇怪

[00:29.72]Find me a therapist, 1000% doctor 请帮我介绍一个1000%的心理咨询师吧

[00:31.78]I hope a mental Professor 最好是个心理学教授...我想好起来,可好想怎么做都无济于事

[00:33.09]But the person not a joker to me, I call him Arthur 至于亚瑟嘛...我从不会称他为“小丑”

[00:35.72]He’s right 因为我觉得他是对的

[00:36.14]What a genius, humanity is darkest 他真是个天才,人性本就是不可低估且黑暗的

[00:38.39]I expected the situation, tell me what the hell is happen 当我预料到了现状然而却忘记了起因

[00:41.08]What’s happening, a lotta wars are all over arounding the world 尽管现在大大小小的战争、矛盾以及争执早已席卷全球

[00:43.69]Nobody cares or making a pause, and almost people they caused that 没有人能站出来按下那颗暂停键

[00:46.27]They fighting among within 有些人最擅长的就是内斗

[00:47.31]Who cares the consequence 他们不会去在乎所谓的“后果”

[00:48.41]Nobody shot on them 反正几乎没有人会把战场从网络搬上现实

[00:49.26]They act like a net-troop 这群人把自己打造成“互联网大军”

[00:50.26]Eating the bamboo 在虚拟世界把自己的位置抬的过高,却现实中吞噬着资源(Bamboo, 竹子,暗示熊猫)

[00:51.11]They living on pipe-ture 生活在幻想世界(以上只是在讽刺一些无脑碍国者以及乱带节奏网“红”)

[00:52.21]Oh, let me take a, take a bre-bre-breath 等等,让我喘口气...

[00:54.44]Like we do everything’s gonna step by step 别催我,让我一步一步来

[00:57.11]And I’ve been criticized a lotta people... 说了这么多也是够了

[00:59.12]Who starving and wanna a beef 还有对于那些在“饥荒”中找肉的人(Beef 双关)

[01:00.40]So... I’m putting a lotta keys on the beat 我给你们留了很多线索

[01:02.30]Yeah, wait a second I’m gonna put it in my record 现在就不谈关于人性,道德的问题了

[01:05.07]Now I wanna talk something else but not the human nature 我保留这些内容会在专辑中揭晓

[01:07.78]Congratulation to my Sam, he got Monash’s offer 那么,恭喜我方Sam大叔拿到了莫纳什大学的录取通知书

[01:10.38]Before u got the flight just be forgot ur rubber,uh 还有,要记住,你是去好好学习的!!! (请看英文原文 [坏笑])

[01:13.39]Let's make the conversations loose(make it loose) 是时候畅所欲言了 [坏笑]

[01:16.06]Ya gonna boxing with kangaroos(hell yeah) 袋鼠将成为你的拳击陪练 [坏笑]

[01:18.67]And I’m standing while I’m playin’ the flute, I’ll give a proof 我保证那个时候我会在旁边吹竖笛等待“胜利的曙光”[坏笑]

[01:20.80]I’m kidding but honestly and I guarantee that I’ll wait for u~ 开个玩笑,就到这里了,兄弟我等你回来~



[01:22.22]Verse 2:























[02:14.09]你的作品烂 不好








[02:25.16]Sam X


[02:25.86]Hey Hold up hold up stop right there and pick it 嘿兄弟站在那别动,来看看

[02:29.05]Well I couldn't even get a hit without my boys in it 没有我的兄弟我不可能做到这些

[02:31.64]Everything for R-E-A-C-T-O-R which I could've ever did 为了厂牌Reactor所有事尽我的全力

[02:34.33]Oh yeah and thaz the way we do it 是的,这就是我们怎么做的

[02:34.76](Sam X & Jason Kramer)


[02:36.75]Stepping step stepping step 一步一步的

[02:39.08]Stepping step stepping step 一步一步来

[02:41.62]Just need one tap an' u be dead 只需要一下你就*了

[02:44.21]Stepping step oh we step by step 一步一步,我们步步逼近

[02:46.11]Verse 3:

[02:47.06]Oh my brother Jason wish me to be like good student (OK?) 天哪,Jason居然想我做个好学生(Jason:”你行不行啊”)

[02:49.62]But my own opinion I amma gang'what I couldn't even pretended 但我认为我只是个混*我不会假装的

[02:52.46]How to be dat perfect person who won't cause label (di)struction 怎么去变成那个完美的人不会造成厂牌的破裂(之前很多的事发生,差点解散)

[02:54.86]When I'm out of my country I hope ya guys wouldn't forget me 当我离开了,我希望你们不会忘记我

[02:57.52]We made up our own property goddamn victory 我们创造了自己的价值自己的荣耀

[02:59.81]Now the responsibility's on you Jason Jason现在责任都要在于你了兄弟

[03:02.55]Give up the imagination don beg for pardon 丢掉那些幻想,不要总是乞求原谅(不容犯错)

[03:04.74]We gonna fulfill satisfaction 我们得满足我们的需求

[03:06.39]We ain't joking We're doing for the living 没开玩笑,我们就是这么过来的

[03:08.33]Too many people too many faces too many secrets 太多的人太多张脸太多秘密没有发掘

[03:10.17]Making me couldn't do analyze'em 让我无法辨认他们

[03:12.95]Success is the only thing which can meet us free us 成功是唯一一件事满足我们,让我们自由

[03:15.97]Making our own world Jesus 让我们成为自己世界的神

[03:18.31]One day, we will all go to heaven before get into the coffin 我们总有一天会去到天堂,但在进坟墓之前

[03:20.73]We do it step by step to stoppin bad things happen我们会一步一步的向上,阻止坏事发生


[03:23.91]So we stepping step step by step所以我们就这样步步前进

作词 : Jason Kramer/贺晨曦/SamXtheGhettoBoi

作曲 : Jason Kramer/贺晨曦/SamXtheGhettoBoi

Jason Kramer

Verse 1:

Yo, wait a second 怎么说呢...

Lately I got black on black 一直以来都喜欢全身黑

Anybody know the reason why my thought is always under attacked 想问为什么我的思想总是这么压抑

Somebody told me to hospital 曾被叫去过医院

I ain’t know if I can trust those people 可是我还能相信那群“白衣天使”吗

“Open my window” that is weird tho 他们告诉我打开我的心窗,这反倒很奇怪

Find me a therapist, 1000% doctor 请帮我介绍一个1000%的心理咨询师吧

I hope a mental Professor 最好是个心理学教授...我想好起来,可好想怎么做都无济于事

But the person not a joker to me, I call him Arthur 至于亚瑟嘛...我从不会称他为“小丑”

He’s right 因为我觉得他是对的

What a genius, humanity is darkest 他真是个天才,人性本就是不可低估且黑暗的

I expected the situation, tell me what the hell is happen 当我预料到了现状然而却忘记了起因

What’s happening, a lotta wars are all over arounding the world 尽管现在大大小小的战争、矛盾以及争执早已席卷全球

Nobody cares or making a pause, and almost people they caused that 没有人能站出来按下那颗暂停键

They fighting among within 有些人最擅长的就是内斗

Who cares the consequence 他们不会去在乎所谓的“后果”

Nobody shot on them 反正几乎没有人会把战场从网络搬上现实

They act like a net-troop 这群人把自己打造成“互联网大军”

Eating the bamboo 在虚拟世界把自己的位置抬的过高,却现实中吞噬着资源(Bamboo, 竹子,暗示熊猫)

They living on pipe-ture 生活在幻想世界(以上只是在讽刺一些无脑碍国者以及乱带节奏网“红”)

Oh, let me take a, take a bre-bre-breath 等等,让我喘口气...

Like we do everything’s gonna step by step 别催我,让我一步一步来

And I’ve been criticized a lotta people... 说了这么多也是够了

Who starving and wanna a beef 还有对于那些在“饥荒”中找肉的人(Beef 双关)

So... I’m putting a lotta keys on the beat 我给你们留了很多线索

Yeah, wait a second I’m gonna put it in my record 现在就不谈关于人性,道德的问题了

Now I wanna talk something else but not the human nature 我保留这些内容会在专辑中揭晓

Congratulation to my Sam, he got Monash’s offer 那么,恭喜我方Sam大叔拿到了莫纳什大学的录取通知书

Before u got the flight just be forgot ur rubber,uh 还有,要记住,你是去好好学习的!!! (请看英文原文 [坏笑])

Let's make the conversations loose(make it loose) 是时候畅所欲言了 [坏笑]

Ya gonna boxing with kangaroos(hell yeah) 袋鼠将成为你的拳击陪练 [坏笑]

And I’m standing while I’m playin’ the flute, I’ll give a proof 我保证那个时候我会在旁边吹竖笛等待“胜利的曙光”[坏笑]

I’m kidding but honestly and I guarantee that I’ll wait for u~ 开个玩笑,就到这里了,兄弟我等你回来~


Verse 2:























你的作品烂 不好







Sam X


Hey Hold up hold up stop right there and pick it 嘿兄弟站在那别动,来看看

Well I couldn't even get a hit without my boys in it 没有我的兄弟我不可能做到这些

Everything for R-E-A-C-T-O-R which I could've ever did 为了厂牌Reactor所有事尽我的全力

Oh yeah and thaz the way we do it 是的,这就是我们怎么做的

(Sam X & Jason Kramer)


Stepping step stepping step 一步一步的

Stepping step stepping step 一步一步来

Just need one tap an' u be dead 只需要一下你就*了

Stepping step oh we step by step 一步一步,我们步步逼近

Verse 3:

Oh my brother Jason wish me to be like good student (OK?) 天哪,Jason居然想我做个好学生(Jason:”你行不行啊”)

But my own opinion I amma gang'what I couldn't even pretended 但我认为我只是个混*我不会假装的

How to be dat perfect person who won't cause label (di)struction 怎么去变成那个完美的人不会造成厂牌的破裂(之前很多的事发生,差点解散)

When I'm out of my country I hope ya guys wouldn't forget me 当我离开了,我希望你们不会忘记我

We made up our own property goddamn victory 我们创造了自己的价值自己的荣耀

Now the responsibility's on you Jason Jason现在责任都要在于你了兄弟

Give up the imagination don beg for pardon 丢掉那些幻想,不要总是乞求原谅(不容犯错)

We gonna fulfill satisfaction 我们得满足我们的需求

We ain't joking We're doing for the living 没开玩笑,我们就是这么过来的

Too many people too many faces too many secrets 太多的人太多张脸太多秘密没有发掘

Making me couldn't do analyze'em 让我无法辨认他们

Success is the only thing which can meet us free us 成功是唯一一件事满足我们,让我们自由

Making our own world Jesus 让我们成为自己世界的神

One day, we will all go to heaven before get into the coffin 我们总有一天会去到天堂,但在进坟墓之前

We do it step by step to stoppin bad things happen我们会一步一步的向上,阻止坏事发生


So we stepping step step by step所以我们就这样步步前进
