


娜木拉,2002年第四届国际柴可夫斯基青少年大提琴比赛"优秀教师奖"获得者,2003年获得由中央音乐学院推荐的"全国宝钢教育奖"优秀教师称号。多次获得中央音乐学院颁发的"优秀教师奖"、"三育人先进个人"优秀教师奖,2004年获得由共青团中央全国少工委主办的第二届中国少年儿童艺术风采大赛"大提琴专业优秀辅导教师奖"。2008年全国VC杯专业青少年大提琴比赛青年组优秀奖获得者,2009年被特邀为第六届Carlos Prieto国际大提琴比赛评委。







About the artist:

Na Mula is a highly regarded cellist and educator and is currently the Director of the Cello Department as well as Professor and Post-graduate supervisor at the Music School Attached at The Central Conservatory in Beijing, China. 

Na Mula has participated in many major performances locally and abroad, and held a number of solo recitals, chamber music concerts and lectures in many countries and regions. Na Mula put on many public performances in major cities both at home and abroad with the delegation of the Chinese Musicians. She has been a permanent professor at the Canadian Morningside Music Bridge.

She is committed to education. Her students are all primary players in top class orchestras, and they have won dozens of gold medals in international competitions, especially in Tchaikovsky International Youth Music Competition 2002, China won the first cello gold medal. Na Mula has won dozens of awards including Tchaikovsky International Youth Music Competition Prominent Teacher Award, China Baogang Outstanding Teacher Award and China Young Pioneer Committee's Prominent Teacher Award, etc.

Following her graduation with outstanding scores from the Central Conservatory of Music in 1992, she became a teacher in the school, and released her first video and music cassette recording, "Cello and Piano". China International Television has also released many of her teaching CDs and DVDs including "Cello Classroom Teaching" , and "Original New Works of Cello".  She edited "Three Cello Masterpieces", "Amateur Graded Examination Course" (two volumes) for the Central Conservatory, "Cello Class", and more. In addition, she wrote "A Brief Discussion of Cello Teaching", and a series of articles on cello teaching for the magazine, Young Musician. She given a number of public lectures at the National Grand Theater, and was selected as a special artistic representative at the 2009 TCU Cellofest. Prof. Na’s teaching and performances are well known in China and are regularly featured in Chinese media.

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