
林晓培 Shino Lin

Shino 林晓培 9岁参加小学歌唱比赛就决定长大要当歌手。17岁家庭因素辍学前往日本,开啓演唱事业第一步。四年后返台;因爱上流行摇滚组织第一个翻唱及创作乐团Red Sky,在台湾各大live house演出。

在国际著名音乐餐厅Hard Rock Café被制作人发掘;于1998年正式以Shino

Shino 林晓培 9岁参加小学歌唱比赛就决定长大要当歌手。17岁家庭因素辍学前往日本,开啓演唱事业第一步。四年后返台;因爱上流行摇滚组织第一个翻唱及创作乐团Red Sky,在台湾各大live house演出。

在国际著名音乐餐厅Hard Rock Café被制作人发掘;于1998年正式以Shino 林晓培发行个人第一张同名专辑。由第一首 烦、她的眼泪、那又如何、又不是非要你的爱 开始走红华语歌坛。1999年更远赴日本录制其首支日文单曲 。2000年一首<心动> 更是至今传唱度极高的歌曲。2001年推出第一支广东歌曲<娃娃爱天下>,该曲推出后随即占据各大流行榜 ,奠定香港乐坛地位。

自1998年至2013年共发行八张个人专辑。再多的挫败攻击,她从没放弃过音乐这条路;在学习独立的过程里,和不同的合作者学习。寻觅到找了半辈子的歌唱老师,挑战大型音乐剧。电影和电视电影的戏剧尝试。电影主题曲的创作和演唱。签约EAS Music旗下担任歌词创作者。学习文本创作分享自己的生命心得。


Shino Lin loves to sing from 6 years old, singing is her favorite and adeptest. When she was 17 years old, she was introduced via her mother's friends to perform singing in Japan (Nagoya, Fukushima, Aomori hot spring resort hotel) nearly four years.

Came back from Japan, Shino contacts with some friends like to play music, grouped her first band named "RedSky", and began to perform live show in the different PUB, school and various places.

In 1995, Shino performs in "HARD ROCK CAFE" every weekend main period. Shino explored by Music Company in here because of her charm, unique deep and powerful voice.

In 1998, her first album "Shino Lin, SHINO" was released and popular by her hit song . Invited by Sylvia Chang, sang the theme song of the film performance by Takeshi Kaneshiro and Karen Mok in 1999, this song leaving Shino well familiar.

In 2001, Shino took four days to complete the recording in Cantonese which is cover of Ayumi Hamasaki . This song was the highest in Hong Kong major Billboard and lay the Cantonese market position with expection.

In 2008, Shino luckly has a chance to act the role MinChu in the film , which have more than seven hundred million worldwide box office. In addition, Shino was heroine of a Beijing drama with total six performances. She not only learns how to act but also sang with acting.

Recently, Shino preparing her first H-iFi Album and arranged all copywriting on this album for more than two years, this album will show the uniqueness of her art characteristic and just released at August of 2013

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