




收录全球最受欢迎的22首圣诞佳节乐曲!郭虔哲大提琴动人演绎古典乐新版本!全程耗时2年,横跨台北纽约地球两端,飞越换日线精心琢磨而成。由获奖作曲家亚历克斯•弗里曼(Alex Freeman)操刀编曲,赋予整张专辑全新且独特的圣诞魔幻风格。不只是耳熟能详的旋律,这次升华成充满想像与探险的异想世界。国际知

收录全球最受欢迎的22首圣诞佳节乐曲!郭虔哲大提琴动人演绎古典乐新版本!全程耗时2年,横跨台北纽约地球两端,飞越换日线精心琢磨而成。由获奖作曲家亚历克斯•弗里曼(Alex Freeman)操刀编曲,赋予整张专辑全新且独特的圣诞魔幻风格。不只是耳熟能详的旋律,这次升华成充满想像与探险的异想世界。国际知名大提琴家郭虔哲(Kenneth Kuo)单独分奏所有声部的大提琴,每一首录制时,分次以一部部声部的旋律,依序加入,成为大提琴弦乐家族。郭虔哲于耶鲁大学音乐学院就读期间,在著名大提琴家和教育家阿尔多.帕里索特(Aldo Parisot)的带领下,学习大提琴重奏的技巧,和谐美妙的大提琴重奏为他带来无尽的乐趣,正是圣诞专辑诞生的契机。亚历克斯.弗里曼为每首曲目安排了1至10把不等的大 提琴声部及1支竖琴,并增添轻快节奏的打击乐器如雪橇铃、钟琴和木鱼。当你感受到使旋律更为灵活跳跃的的雪橇骑行声、马匹声、滑稽声,甚至在 The Little Drummer Boy 一曲中的小鼓、定音鼓鼓奏,全是由货真价实的大提琴所做出的拟声演奏,十分俏皮诙谐、令人玩味。

A Magical Christmas with the Cello family

This album is comprised of 22 of the world’s favorite Christmas carols and songs written in celebration of this special western holiday. Arranged by award winning composer Alex Freeman, these popular tunes transform into a magical theme where it no longer is just another simple song but a world of imagination and adventure. Recorded and produced by internationally acclaimed cellist Kenneth Kuo, each of the cello part come to life when added one by one in to an orchestral family of cellos. Mr. Kuo first encountered playing in a cello ensemble while he was attending Yale University school of Music, under the leadership of famed cellist and pedagogue Aldo Parisot, Mr. Kuo learned the joy and technique of playing with other cellists in harmony and was truly an experience leading to the development of this album.  In this recording, Mr. Freeman arranged each piece with special number of instruments from a single cello with harp to 10 cellos with harp and percussive instruments. In the song Sleigh ride actual percussion instrument including sleigh bells, glockenspiel and tempo blocks were used however the slap stick and the horse at the end was mimic by the actual cello, in the track Drummer Boy, the snare drum and the bass drum was mimic on the cello as well.

This album took 2 years to complete and is the first of its kind where a single cellist recorded all the cello parts and composited to a full cello ensemble.