I Dig You

I Dig You

歌手:恐龙的皮 The Dinosaur’s Skin


发行公司:forgood music

《I Dig You》

|专辑介绍 Album Concept|


成军六千五百万年,「The Dinosaur’s Skin恐龙的皮」终于发行第一张概念专辑《I Dig You》,除了字面上的「我挖掘你」,更是「我喜欢你、我理解你」的意思。


《I Dig You》

|专辑介绍 Album Concept|


成军六千五百万年,「The Dinosaur’s Skin恐龙的皮」终于发行第一张概念专辑《I Dig You》,除了字面上的「我挖掘你」,更是「我喜欢你、我理解你」的意思。


聆听整张专辑,也如同向下挖掘出层层不同的七彩矿物。专辑由金曲奖最佳演唱组合「Crispy脆乐团」主唱Skippy担任专辑制作人,与来自世界各地的众多优秀歌手、音乐人合作,包含金曲歌后「魏如萱waa wei」、美国德州另类冲浪摇滚乐团「Summer Salt」、美国破亿神曲猫脸蒙面歌姬「Limbo」、曾入围金曲最佳制作人的唱作人Everydaze、新生代金奖制作人钟潍宇、新锐编曲家赵宇晨、草东没有派对现任鼓手鸟人、金曲乐团百合花鼓手陈奕欣;林宥嘉、魏如萱、脆乐团指定合作乐手王育嘉;以及来自奈及利亚、义大利、乌克兰的优秀乐手们,横跨独立与主流,延续了乐团标志性的独立流行Indie Pop、梦幻流Dream Pop 和卧室流行风格Bedroom Pop,合成器交响与歪斜吉他,在复古音色与咆哮声展现「The Dinosaur’s Skin恐龙的皮」多样、多元的音乐风格,并融入了荒诞的幽默和深刻的哲思。

❝ The last two dinosaurs on Earth, in an epic prehistoric tale of romance!

The Dinosaur’s Skin debut concept album: “I Dig You” out now! ❞

After 65 million years, The Dinosaur’s Skin is finally releasing their debut concept album, I Dig You. The title plays on the literal meaning of “digging” for fossils and dinosaurs, while also expressing the deeper sentiment of “I like you” and “I understand you.”

This concept album is like an archaeological journey, taking listeners on a voyage through time and space, seamlessly blending prehistoric themes with modern reflections. As the Trex and Triceratops search for the last remaining dinosaurs on Earth, they unearth more than just fossils—they discover insights into human wisdom: loneliness and freedom, equality and diversity, choice and inevitability. These timeless ideas explore identity, love, and the embrace of differences that transcend language, race and even species. Dinosaurs and humans may be different creatures, but they are bound together by shared emotions and experiences.

Listening to the album feels like uncovering layers of vibrant, multicolored minerals. Produced by Skippy, the lead vocalist of the Golden Melody Award-winning band Crispy, I Dig You brings together talented singers and musicians from Taiwan and abroad. This includes Golden Melody-winning singer waa wei, Texas-based indie surf rock band Summer Salt, and viral sensation Limbo, the cat-masked singer from the U.S. Blending indie pop, dream pop, indie rock, and bedroom pop, the album stays true to The Dinosaur’s Skin’s signature sound. With synthesizer symphonies, detuned guitars, retro soundscapes, and roaring vocals, this album is a playful yet profound exploration of the band’s eclectic and diverse musical style, infused with absurd humor and deep philosophy.