Neck and Neck

Neck and Neck

歌手:恐龙的皮 The Dinosaur’s Skin



由暴龙与三角龙组成的新兴乐团「恐龙的皮」,以第一张作品〈Millions of Years Apart〉同时获得金曲奖与金音奖的肯定,不但活跃于大港开唱、春浪等各大音乐祭,售票演出更是创下秒杀佳绩。全新单曲〈Neck and Neck〉以复古Disco节奏、厚实爽快的合成器与朗朗上口的旋律唱着弱肉强

由暴龙与三角龙组成的新兴乐团「恐龙的皮」,以第一张作品〈Millions of Years Apart〉同时获得金曲奖与金音奖的肯定,不但活跃于大港开唱、春浪等各大音乐祭,售票演出更是创下秒杀佳绩。全新单曲〈Neck and Neck〉以复古Disco节奏、厚实爽快的合成器与朗朗上口的旋律唱着弱肉强食的恐龙故事。


The Dinosaur’s Skin is a Jurassic-Pop duo consisting of band members Trex and Triceratops. Their first EP〈Millions of Years Apart〉achieved great success, being nominated for both Golden Melody Awards and Golden Indie Music Awards. With shows that sold out in seconds and major appearances in music festivals such as Megaport Festial and Spring Wave, The Dinosaur’s Skin’s new single sets out to be another prehistoric adventure.

Told through the eyes of a long-necked dinosaur chased by clawed carnivores, is a story about fighting your demons. Producer Skippy from the band Crispy creates the trademark sound of The Dinosaur’s Skin, with retro disco beat, fat synth bass and super catchy melody, this is a song to dance to, a song that puts up a fight.
