Clouds Airport

Clouds Airport




  • LRC歌词
  • 文本歌词

作词 : 景辉/赤铃

作曲 : S9ryne

Clouds Airport





Delusions | 遐思

fall toward the underground blue sky | 朝着地底的天空坠落

Radar searching for birds, | 雷达搜寻着飞鸟,

contrails are always buzzing | 航迹云永远在鸣叫

Twilight | 暮色

recollecting the dazzle of the sunlight | 回忆着阳光的眩目

If I walk out of my body, | 若我走出身体,

I will also bloom like a dalia | 我也会像一朵大丽花一样绽放

Taking flight, in the middle of the night | 在午夜搭乘一次航班

Soaring, as if to save your soul | 疾驰着,仿佛要去拯救你的灵魂

Which route, hovers round and round the park | 航线一圈圈围绕着公园

And the meter, glares like a moral owl | 仪表像一只公正的猫头鹰瞪大着眼

*Tender wings made of kupfer, silber und gold | 珍贵金属制成的脆弱机翼

*Tender wings made of kupfer, silber und gold | 珍贵金属制成的脆弱机翼

Reflecting such bright in city searchlight | 在探照灯光中反射耀眼的光

Reflecting such bright in city searchlight | 在探照灯光中反射耀眼的光

Only the shadow Apollo | 太阳的阴影

Only the shadow Apollo | 太阳的阴影

have forgotten earlier lit the precious loot | 点燃了宝藏

have forgotten earlier lit the precious loot | 点燃了宝藏

Flaming | 燃烧着,

Flaming | 燃烧着,

swiftly in the glorious deserted midnight | 在这被光荣遗弃的午夜

swiftly in the glorious deserted midnight | 在这被光荣遗弃的午夜

Rational humans choose their perfect answer | 理性的人类选择出最完美的答案

Rational humans choose their perfect answer | 理性的人类选择出最完美的答案

But there is nothing to do with me, I swear | 但这些与我无关

But there is nothing to do with me, I swear | 但这些与我无关

Looking forward to, | 我在期待

Looking forward to, | 我在期待

tomorrow's sunrise from the yesterday’s sear | 自昨日之痕升起的明日朝阳

tomorrow's sunrise from the yesterday’s sear | 自昨日之痕升起的明日朝阳

Come to me, | 升起吧,

Come to me, | 升起吧,

from the horizon it rises from the deep.| 从深渊中,从地平线上升起。*

from the horizon it rises from the deep.| 从深渊中,从地平线上升起。*

Once up against the sky it's hard to tell it | 一旦升起映衬天空

From stars, nebulas, ones tinted. | 就很难把它与隐约彩色的星星分开。

Night is going deep, | 夜色渐深,

the sky is darker so solitary speckles can extend | 阴影的斑点在晦暗的天幕上延伸

All alone, | 独自一人,

crossing the barriers the world’s limited | 跨越世界的屏障

With a wind, | 一阵风,

they flare and falter, wobble and toss; | 他们闪烁而轻摇,颤动,跌宕;

But if it's still they steer between | 若是风平天静,它们便在

the kite sticks of the Southern Cross.| 南十字星的风筝骨架间航行。

Receding, dwindling, solemnly | 隐退,暗淡,庄重地

and steadily forsaking us, | 平缓地离弃我们,

Or, in the downdraft from a peak, | 或者,在山峰下灌的气流中,

suddenly turning dangerous. | 突然变得危险。

作词 : 景辉/赤铃

作曲 : S9ryne

Clouds Airport





Delusions | 遐思

fall toward the underground blue sky | 朝着地底的天空坠落

Radar searching for birds, | 雷达搜寻着飞鸟,

contrails are always buzzing | 航迹云永远在鸣叫

Twilight | 暮色

recollecting the dazzle of the sunlight | 回忆着阳光的眩目

If I walk out of my body, | 若我走出身体,

I will also bloom like a dalia | 我也会像一朵大丽花一样绽放

Taking flight, in the middle of the night | 在午夜搭乘一次航班

Soaring, as if to save your soul | 疾驰着,仿佛要去拯救你的灵魂

Which route, hovers round and round the park | 航线一圈圈围绕着公园

And the meter, glares like a moral owl | 仪表像一只公正的猫头鹰瞪大着眼

*Tender wings made of kupfer, silber und gold | 珍贵金属制成的脆弱机翼

*Tender wings made of kupfer, silber und gold | 珍贵金属制成的脆弱机翼

Reflecting such bright in city searchlight | 在探照灯光中反射耀眼的光

Reflecting such bright in city searchlight | 在探照灯光中反射耀眼的光

Only the shadow Apollo | 太阳的阴影

Only the shadow Apollo | 太阳的阴影

have forgotten earlier lit the precious loot | 点燃了宝藏

have forgotten earlier lit the precious loot | 点燃了宝藏

Flaming | 燃烧着,

Flaming | 燃烧着,

swiftly in the glorious deserted midnight | 在这被光荣遗弃的午夜

swiftly in the glorious deserted midnight | 在这被光荣遗弃的午夜

Rational humans choose their perfect answer | 理性的人类选择出最完美的答案

Rational humans choose their perfect answer | 理性的人类选择出最完美的答案

But there is nothing to do with me, I swear | 但这些与我无关

But there is nothing to do with me, I swear | 但这些与我无关

Looking forward to, | 我在期待

Looking forward to, | 我在期待

tomorrow's sunrise from the yesterday’s sear | 自昨日之痕升起的明日朝阳

tomorrow's sunrise from the yesterday’s sear | 自昨日之痕升起的明日朝阳

Come to me, | 升起吧,

Come to me, | 升起吧,

from the horizon it rises from the deep.| 从深渊中,从地平线上升起。*

from the horizon it rises from the deep.| 从深渊中,从地平线上升起。*

Once up against the sky it's hard to tell it | 一旦升起映衬天空

From stars, nebulas, ones tinted. | 就很难把它与隐约彩色的星星分开。

Night is going deep, | 夜色渐深,

the sky is darker so solitary speckles can extend | 阴影的斑点在晦暗的天幕上延伸

All alone, | 独自一人,

crossing the barriers the world’s limited | 跨越世界的屏障

With a wind, | 一阵风,

they flare and falter, wobble and toss; | 他们闪烁而轻摇,颤动,跌宕;

But if it's still they steer between | 若是风平天静,它们便在

the kite sticks of the Southern Cross.| 南十字星的风筝骨架间航行。

Receding, dwindling, solemnly | 隐退,暗淡,庄重地

and steadily forsaking us, | 平缓地离弃我们,

Or, in the downdraft from a peak, | 或者,在山峰下灌的气流中,

suddenly turning dangerous. | 突然变得危险。
