




  • LRC歌词
  • 文本歌词

[00:00.00] 作词 : 斯威特Sweet

[00:01.00] 作曲 : 斯威特Sweet

[00:02.00] 编曲 : Omito

[00:03.00] 混音 : 官硕

[00:04.00] 母带 : 官硕

[00:05.00] 和声 : OG高

[00:06.00] 时间轴:知一白

[00:07.00] 翻译:张千C.Jam

[00:12.83] 不能用老俗套讨你的欢心

[00:15.83] Ain’t no cheesy way to make u pleased

[00:15.83] 沿着夏天轨迹看夜晚的繁星

[00:19.83] Lookin‘ at da stars at night along da track of summer

[00:19.83] 陶醉了陶醉了 来不及等上下一秒

[00:23.08] No time 2 waste cuz I got revel in it

[00:23.08] 心动感催促我 这次靠近要赶紧

[00:26.46] Da feelin of heartbeat urges me to hurry up this time if I wanna capture it

[00:26.46] 太阳有日出就会有日落

[00:28.08] When da sun rises, there will be a sunset

[00:28.08] 海那边的景色每个水手都会憧憬过

[00:30.08] Every sailor will look forward to the scenery beyond da sea

[00:30.08] 发誓不给自己留下遗憾

[00:31.33] I swear not 2 leave regret fo maself

[00:31.33] 这画卷我要的不只是经过

[00:33.21] I want mo than just passin through this picture

[00:33.21] no pain no gain

[00:34.71] 有耕耘就会有收获

[00:36.34] If you plough, you will reap

[00:36.34] 让我扬起北京城的帆

[00:37.46] Let me lift da sail of BJC

[00:37.46] 到了30还想追上这趟航班

[00:39.71] I still want 2 catch up wiz da flight even I’m already 30 years old

[00:39.71] 没人懂我 你也有使命感吧

[00:41.21] Aint nobody understands me,you gutta a sense of mission too a’ight

[00:41.21] 在别人灯都熄灭的晚上你打着寒颤

[00:43.21] You shiver at night when everyone else's lights r off

[00:43.21] 问题接踵而至

[00:44.84] Problems arrive one after another

[00:44.84] 有天全世界会知道我的名字

[00:46.59] Da whole world will know ma name somedays

[00:46.59] 开上跟随我青春的老飞度

[00:48.09] Drive da old Fit that follows ma youth

[00:48.09] 莫欺少年穷 少年也能变富

[00:49.84] Don't deceive a young man cuz of his poverty,da young man could get rich 2

[00:49.84] 演出档期占满了夏天

[00:51.09] Schedule fo my showcase r already booked fo whole summer

[00:51.09] 顺心如意说爸爸你真酷

[00:52.71] They satisfactory n say u r so kool dad

[00:52.71] 我想你会啊 我想你会啊

[00:55.46] I thought u will I thought u will

[00:55.46] 我想你会啊 我想你会啊

[00:58.84] I thought u will I thought u will

[00:58.84] 我想你会啊 我想你会啊

[01:02.09] I thought u will I thought u will

[01:02.09] 我想你一定能成功的 一定会啊

[01:05.71] I thought u will get it u will get it

[01:05.71] 不能用老俗套讨你的欢心

[01:08.46] Ain’t no cheesy way to make u pleased

[01:08.46] 沿着夏天轨迹看夜晚的繁星

[01:12.46] Lookin‘ at da stars at night along da track of summer

[01:12.46] 陶醉了陶醉了 来不及等上下一秒

[01:15.71] No time 2 waste cuz I got revel in it

[01:15.71] 心动感催促我 这次靠近要赶紧

[01:19.09] Da feelin of heartbeat urges me to hurry up this time if I wanna capture it

[01:19.09] 再年轻一回不要宿醉

[01:21.59] Ain’t no hangover let me young again

[01:21.59] 有你的生活是一场璀璨的舞会

[01:25.59] Life wiz u is a bright ball

[01:25.59] 忘掉你的抑郁还有什么不高兴

[01:28.96] Forget about ur depression,What else r u unhappy about?

[01:28.96] 冲向终点前你数着One two three

[01:32.34] Count before u rush 2 da finish line 1 2 3

[01:32.34] 属于你的剧情到了黄金档

[01:33.84] Ur story has reached da golden stage

[01:33.84] 摸摸你那颗还炙热的心脏

[01:35.46] Touch ur heart it still burnin

[01:35.46] 挑战比早起的冰美式更让我兴奋

[01:37.34] Challenge makes me mo excited than da Iced Americano fo gettin up early

[01:37.34] 快点把那些不甘的梦想放心上

[01:39.71] Hurry up n keep those unwilling dreams in mind

[01:39.71] 丹镇北京贴纸贴满你的城市

[01:42.20] Get Dungeon Beijing stickers all over ur city

[01:42.20] 消极的氛围里我们拉高这里层次

[01:45.34] In da negative atmosphere, we raise da level here

[01:45.34] 我想你会啊 我想你会啊

[01:48.21] I thought u will I thought u will

[01:48.21] 我想你会啊 我想你会啊

[01:51.34] I thought u will I thought u will

[01:51.34] 我想你会啊 我想你会啊

[01:54.59] I thought u will I thought u will

[01:54.59] 我想你一定能成功的 一定会啊

[01:58.46] I thought u will get it u will get it

[01:58.46] 不能用老俗套讨你的欢心

[02:01.09] Ain’t no cheesy way to make u pleased

[02:01.09] 沿着夏天轨迹看夜晚的繁星

[02:05.09] Lookin‘ at da stars at night along da track of summer

[02:05.09] 陶醉了陶醉了 来不及等上下一秒

[02:08.34] No time 2 waste cuz I got revel in it

[02:08.34] 心动感催促我 这次靠近要赶紧

[02:11.84] Da feelin of heartbeat urges me to hurry up this time if I wanna capture it

[02:11.84] 再年轻一回不要宿醉

[02:14.21] Ain’t no hangover let me young again

[02:14.21] 有你的生活是一场璀璨的舞会

[02:18.21] Life wiz u is a bright ball

[02:18.21] 忘掉你的抑郁还有什么不高兴

[02:21.59] Forget about ur depression,What else r u unhappy about?

[02:21.59] 冲向终点前你数着One two three

[02:24.59] Count before u rush 2 da finish line 1 2 3

作词 : 斯威特Sweet

作曲 : 斯威特Sweet

编曲 : Omito

混音 : 官硕

母带 : 官硕

和声 : OG高




Ain’t no cheesy way to make u pleased


Lookin‘ at da stars at night along da track of summer

陶醉了陶醉了 来不及等上下一秒

No time 2 waste cuz I got revel in it

心动感催促我 这次靠近要赶紧

Da feelin of heartbeat urges me to hurry up this time if I wanna capture it


When da sun rises, there will be a sunset


Every sailor will look forward to the scenery beyond da sea


I swear not 2 leave regret fo maself


I want mo than just passin through this picture

no pain no gain


If you plough, you will reap


Let me lift da sail of BJC


I still want 2 catch up wiz da flight even I’m already 30 years old

没人懂我 你也有使命感吧

Aint nobody understands me,you gutta a sense of mission too a’ight


You shiver at night when everyone else's lights r off


Problems arrive one after another


Da whole world will know ma name somedays


Drive da old Fit that follows ma youth

莫欺少年穷 少年也能变富

Don't deceive a young man cuz of his poverty,da young man could get rich 2


Schedule fo my showcase r already booked fo whole summer


They satisfactory n say u r so kool dad

我想你会啊 我想你会啊

I thought u will I thought u will

我想你会啊 我想你会啊

I thought u will I thought u will

我想你会啊 我想你会啊

I thought u will I thought u will

我想你一定能成功的 一定会啊

I thought u will get it u will get it


Ain’t no cheesy way to make u pleased


Lookin‘ at da stars at night along da track of summer

陶醉了陶醉了 来不及等上下一秒

No time 2 waste cuz I got revel in it

心动感催促我 这次靠近要赶紧

Da feelin of heartbeat urges me to hurry up this time if I wanna capture it


Ain’t no hangover let me young again


Life wiz u is a bright ball


Forget about ur depression,What else r u unhappy about?

冲向终点前你数着One two three

Count before u rush 2 da finish line 1 2 3


Ur story has reached da golden stage


Touch ur heart it still burnin


Challenge makes me mo excited than da Iced Americano fo gettin up early


Hurry up n keep those unwilling dreams in mind


Get Dungeon Beijing stickers all over ur city


In da negative atmosphere, we raise da level here

我想你会啊 我想你会啊

I thought u will I thought u will

我想你会啊 我想你会啊

I thought u will I thought u will

我想你会啊 我想你会啊

I thought u will I thought u will

我想你一定能成功的 一定会啊

I thought u will get it u will get it


Ain’t no cheesy way to make u pleased


Lookin‘ at da stars at night along da track of summer

陶醉了陶醉了 来不及等上下一秒

No time 2 waste cuz I got revel in it

心动感催促我 这次靠近要赶紧

Da feelin of heartbeat urges me to hurry up this time if I wanna capture it


Ain’t no hangover let me young again


Life wiz u is a bright ball


Forget about ur depression,What else r u unhappy about?

冲向终点前你数着One two three

Count before u rush 2 da finish line 1 2 3
