


歌手:Philo 阿哲HIGB-海岸音像社



  • LRC歌词
  • 文本歌词

作词 : Philo 阿哲

作曲 : Philo 阿哲

Ya new level for one for two and three and four

Surround me 向心力掌握核心不甘堕落

New level for one for two and three and four

Surround me 向心力掌握核心不甘堕落

当我们站在最高峰 We do the best

平地而起在众多高楼中 We do the best

看我们进化速度太快 We do the best do the best

Ya don't waste my time

Evolution is so fast

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (What)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (We are)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (What)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (We are)

开足马力 别在这玩没用的把戏

来自兄弟们的勉励 风雨同舟从来不会演戏

我从 不会 遗忘 No pains no gains

天地 间走 一趟 Got it gold chain gold chain



十年磨一剑为成大器 所以根本不觉得累

进化 速度早晚会开到最大峰值

高瞻远瞩飞上云霄 看我电掣风驰

2017 仿佛 投下 沙皇炸弹爆炸的威力

辐射半径遍布南北产生众多rapper 在寻找的机遇

众人在找在寻 拨开迷雾现形

追逐名利陷阱 无人务实践行

都在往上爬 往上爬 过去说过的话在诛心

Money 往下砸 往下砸 真正好的作品无人问津

渴望 通往天堂之路性质却不想改变


New level for one for two and three and four

Surround me 向心力掌握核心不甘堕落

New level for one for two and three and four

Surround me 向心力掌握核心不甘堕落

当我们站在最高峰 We do the best

平地而起在众多高楼中 We do the best

看我们进化速度太快 We do the best do the best

Ya don't waste my time

Evolution is so fast

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (What)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (We are)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (What)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (We are)

七零八落 思绪飞升

眼观六路 捕捉历史进化影踪

错上加错 头脑发蒙

物竞天择 我偏要剑走偏峰

谁惹的祸 乌烟瘴气下 谁犯的错

如今这步天地 谁看得破

谁干的过 前赴后继的勇士 谁还在做

进化 永远不是靠容颜



还沾沾自喜celebrate 都忘记了痛

Memory 做过去的梦

打taxi 歌词 wroom wroom

Don't **** with me 一个接一个的送

还在炫富装蒜 费心思炫酷装扮

受质疑陷入慌乱 在意淫天赋相伴

黄金年代 前人所铺的路不是让你们用来疯狂造作

薪火相传 保持自我的约束才能不断进化达成自我超脱

嘿 扔掉废弃的过往



获奖 也不是我最终的名利


New level for one for two and three and four

Surround me 向心力掌握核心不甘堕落

New level for one for two and three and four

Surround me 向心力掌握核心不甘堕落

当我们站在最高峰 We do the best

平地而起在众多高楼中 We do the best

看我们进化速度太快 We do the best do the best

Ya don't waste my time

Evolution is so fast

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (What)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (We are)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (What)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (We are)

当我们站在最高峰 We do the best

平地而起在众多高楼中 We do the best

看我们进化速度太快 We do the best do the best

Ya don't waste my time

Evolution is so fast

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (What)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (We are)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (What)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (We are)

作词 : Philo 阿哲

作曲 : Philo 阿哲

Ya new level for one for two and three and four

Surround me 向心力掌握核心不甘堕落

New level for one for two and three and four

Surround me 向心力掌握核心不甘堕落

当我们站在最高峰 We do the best

平地而起在众多高楼中 We do the best

看我们进化速度太快 We do the best do the best

Ya don't waste my time

Evolution is so fast

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (What)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (We are)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (What)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (We are)

开足马力 别在这玩没用的把戏

来自兄弟们的勉励 风雨同舟从来不会演戏

我从 不会 遗忘 No pains no gains

天地 间走 一趟 Got it gold chain gold chain



十年磨一剑为成大器 所以根本不觉得累

进化 速度早晚会开到最大峰值

高瞻远瞩飞上云霄 看我电掣风驰

2017 仿佛 投下 沙皇炸弹爆炸的威力

辐射半径遍布南北产生众多rapper 在寻找的机遇

众人在找在寻 拨开迷雾现形

追逐名利陷阱 无人务实践行

都在往上爬 往上爬 过去说过的话在诛心

Money 往下砸 往下砸 真正好的作品无人问津

渴望 通往天堂之路性质却不想改变


New level for one for two and three and four

Surround me 向心力掌握核心不甘堕落

New level for one for two and three and four

Surround me 向心力掌握核心不甘堕落

当我们站在最高峰 We do the best

平地而起在众多高楼中 We do the best

看我们进化速度太快 We do the best do the best

Ya don't waste my time

Evolution is so fast

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (What)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (We are)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (What)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (We are)

七零八落 思绪飞升

眼观六路 捕捉历史进化影踪

错上加错 头脑发蒙

物竞天择 我偏要剑走偏峰

谁惹的祸 乌烟瘴气下 谁犯的错

如今这步天地 谁看得破

谁干的过 前赴后继的勇士 谁还在做

进化 永远不是靠容颜



还沾沾自喜celebrate 都忘记了痛

Memory 做过去的梦

打taxi 歌词 wroom wroom

Don't **** with me 一个接一个的送

还在炫富装蒜 费心思炫酷装扮

受质疑陷入慌乱 在意淫天赋相伴

黄金年代 前人所铺的路不是让你们用来疯狂造作

薪火相传 保持自我的约束才能不断进化达成自我超脱

嘿 扔掉废弃的过往



获奖 也不是我最终的名利


New level for one for two and three and four

Surround me 向心力掌握核心不甘堕落

New level for one for two and three and four

Surround me 向心力掌握核心不甘堕落

当我们站在最高峰 We do the best

平地而起在众多高楼中 We do the best

看我们进化速度太快 We do the best do the best

Ya don't waste my time

Evolution is so fast

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (What)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (We are)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (What)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (We are)

当我们站在最高峰 We do the best

平地而起在众多高楼中 We do the best

看我们进化速度太快 We do the best do the best

Ya don't waste my time

Evolution is so fast

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (What)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (We are)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (What)

Let's fight for life

Let's fight for life (We are)
