


所属专辑:Gothicism of Death


  • LRC歌词
  • 文本歌词

[00:00.000] 作词 : K!nder/清越

[00:01.000] 作曲 : K!nder/清越

[00:02.000] 编曲 : Artists

































[01:12.346]In my shoes just to see【请站在我的角度想想】

[01:14.103]What it's like to be me【 成为我是什么样的感觉】

[01:16.115]I'll be you let's trade shoes【好吧,我们换位思考一下】

[01:17.872]Just to see what I'd be like to【看看我们究竟能不能】

[01:19.629]Feel your pain, you feel mine【我感受你的痛苦,你也感受我的】

[01:21.639]Go inside each other's mind【深入彼此的灵魂】

[01:23.146]Just to see what we find【试试看会有什么新的发现】

[01:25.154]Looking sh1t through each other's eyes【透过对方的视野看看彼此的世界】

[01:27.164]But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful, oh~【但不要让他们说你并不美丽】

[01:34.446]They can all get fvcked Just stay true to you 【让它们成为过眼云烟吧吧,只要你问心无愧】


[01:41.981]Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful, oh~【不要让他们说你并不美丽】

[01:49.011]They can all get fvcked Just stay true to you 【让它们成为过眼云烟吧吧,只要你问心无愧】


[01:56.043]What the fvcking hell is my friend's funeral【我朋友的葬礼是什么样的】

[01:57.549]I know how to get a pain to make me beautiful in the modern society【我知道在这个现代社会如何转挫折为动力】

[02:00.319]Cause everything is musical【因为这世上一切都可以成为音乐】

[02:01.574]I ain't want 9 to 5, should I stop looking for the different kinda lives【我其实并不想朝九晚五,停止这毫无意义的奇葩生活吗】

[02:04.086]Those are sons of b1tches【那些都不算什么】

[02:05.090]Till now I'm Shakespeare's back to every minute【直到我变成莎士比亚重新回到每一分钟里】

[02:06.855]I'm gonna have a dream to calculate the motherfvckers have another the matter with these to visit the gangs of Jesus【我将有一个梦想去预知未来,他们都有另一个拜访耶稣和他亲友的想法】

[02:11.623]I know that's a genius【我知道那是个天才】

[02:12.376]So you gotta know the sh1t that I'm not an alien【所以你们必须知道我还没到思想飞跃宇宙(多维思想)的时候】

[02:13.882]My dream's gonna be a successful free man or a sober Better Man like Robbie Williams【我的梦想是成为一个自由的成功人士,或者成为一个像罗比•威廉姆斯那样清醒的Better Man(Better Man也是罗比•威廉姆斯的代表作)】

[02:17.897]Hometown in the bad world within bad emotion【在这个弱肉强食的世界带着不好的情绪离开故乡】

[02:19.653]Doing something terrible but I'd ever chosen to make me wanna cry then I wanna lose it【做一些可怕的事,但我曾经的选择让我哽咽难鸣,甚至想失去它】

[02:23.169]So my power's gonna be usually proven【所以我的实力是可以被证明的】

[02:25.189]I'd never grieve over to become a sucker cuz my ex-girlfriend's been having another man, damn【我从来不会成为一个因为前女友出轨而继续不要脸当舔狗的人,无所谓了】

[02:29.709]I was just bothered【我只是觉得有点烦】

[02:30.462]We know Love is Evol, so why become lovers【我们知道“爱”倒过来写就是“灾难”(Evil谐音Evol,Wordplay来自Eminem的Space Bound),所以为什么要有爱情呢】

[02:32.222]Lord, what I gone do? Can my dreams come true【上帝啊,我应该怎么做,我的梦想能实现吗】

[02:34.231]Don't give me sympathy to outperform you【不要给予我同情,难不成你还怕我会超越你?】

[02:35.988]Everybody wants youth【每个人都想变得年轻呢】

[02:36.992]But I still warn you that's always impossible cuz I've always born to【我还是得提醒你,这是不可能的,因为我生来就是这样】

[02:39.502]Fvck you, touch you, nobody wants to love you【干啥?有点感触还不行吗?没人会在乎你好吗】

[02:41.260]When you got a problem, they don't even hug you cuz you ain't Da Vinci, I ain't Picasso【当你有麻烦了,他们就不会继续管你了,因为你不是达芬奇我也不是毕加索(具有抽象思维的人)】

[02:44.773]So whatever we gotta do that we must do【所以我们现在要做的就是打好基础】

[02:46.792]Don't forget to tell me the fvcking truth they said【别忘了告诉我他们说的那些真相】

[02:48.802]Cuz the Proletarian is sleeping on the haystack unless I can make that【因为无产阶级还睡在干草堆上呢,除非我也能做到】

[02:51.313]Or the Black may rap to create a peaceful world, please face facts【或者像黑人唱的那样去创造一个和平的世界,但面对现实吧(这可能吗)】

[02:54.333]In my shoes just to see【请站在我的角度想想】

[02:56.091]What it's like to be me【 成为我是什么样的感觉】

[02:57.846]I'll be you let's trade shoes【好吧,我们换位思考一下】

[03:00.079]Just to see what I'd be like to【看看我们究竟能不能】

[03:01.585]Feel your pain, you feel mine【我感受你的痛苦,你也感受我的】

[03:03.342]Go inside each other's mind【深入彼此的灵魂】

[03:05.099]Just to see what we find【试试看会有什么新的发现】

[03:06.857]Looking sh1t through each other's eyes【透过对方的视野看看彼此的世界】

[03:08.866]But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful, oh~【但不要让他们说你并不美丽】

[03:16.355]They can all get fvcked Just stay true to you 【让它们成为过眼云烟吧吧,只要你问心无愧】


[03:23.886]Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful, oh~【不要让他们说你并不美丽】

[03:31.113]They can all get fvcked Just stay true to you 【让它们成为过眼云烟吧吧,只要你问心无愧】


作词 : K!nder/清越

作曲 : K!nder/清越

编曲 : Artists

































In my shoes just to see【请站在我的角度想想】

What it's like to be me【 成为我是什么样的感觉】

I'll be you let's trade shoes【好吧,我们换位思考一下】

Just to see what I'd be like to【看看我们究竟能不能】

Feel your pain, you feel mine【我感受你的痛苦,你也感受我的】

Go inside each other's mind【深入彼此的灵魂】

Just to see what we find【试试看会有什么新的发现】

Looking sh1t through each other's eyes【透过对方的视野看看彼此的世界】

But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful, oh~【但不要让他们说你并不美丽】

They can all get fvcked Just stay true to you 【让它们成为过眼云烟吧吧,只要你问心无愧】


Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful, oh~【不要让他们说你并不美丽】

They can all get fvcked Just stay true to you 【让它们成为过眼云烟吧吧,只要你问心无愧】


What the fvcking hell is my friend's funeral【我朋友的葬礼是什么样的】

I know how to get a pain to make me beautiful in the modern society【我知道在这个现代社会如何转挫折为动力】

Cause everything is musical【因为这世上一切都可以成为音乐】

I ain't want 9 to 5, should I stop looking for the different kinda lives【我其实并不想朝九晚五,停止这毫无意义的奇葩生活吗】

Those are sons of b1tches【那些都不算什么】

Till now I'm Shakespeare's back to every minute【直到我变成莎士比亚重新回到每一分钟里】

I'm gonna have a dream to calculate the motherfvckers have another the matter with these to visit the gangs of Jesus【我将有一个梦想去预知未来,他们都有另一个拜访耶稣和他亲友的想法】

I know that's a genius【我知道那是个天才】

So you gotta know the sh1t that I'm not an alien【所以你们必须知道我还没到思想飞跃宇宙(多维思想)的时候】

My dream's gonna be a successful free man or a sober Better Man like Robbie Williams【我的梦想是成为一个自由的成功人士,或者成为一个像罗比•威廉姆斯那样清醒的Better Man(Better Man也是罗比•威廉姆斯的代表作)】

Hometown in the bad world within bad emotion【在这个弱肉强食的世界带着不好的情绪离开故乡】

Doing something terrible but I'd ever chosen to make me wanna cry then I wanna lose it【做一些可怕的事,但我曾经的选择让我哽咽难鸣,甚至想失去它】

So my power's gonna be usually proven【所以我的实力是可以被证明的】

I'd never grieve over to become a sucker cuz my ex-girlfriend's been having another man, damn【我从来不会成为一个因为前女友出轨而继续不要脸当舔狗的人,无所谓了】

I was just bothered【我只是觉得有点烦】

We know Love is Evol, so why become lovers【我们知道“爱”倒过来写就是“灾难”(Evil谐音Evol,Wordplay来自Eminem的Space Bound),所以为什么要有爱情呢】

Lord, what I gone do? Can my dreams come true【上帝啊,我应该怎么做,我的梦想能实现吗】

Don't give me sympathy to outperform you【不要给予我同情,难不成你还怕我会超越你?】

Everybody wants youth【每个人都想变得年轻呢】

But I still warn you that's always impossible cuz I've always born to【我还是得提醒你,这是不可能的,因为我生来就是这样】

Fvck you, touch you, nobody wants to love you【干啥?有点感触还不行吗?没人会在乎你好吗】

When you got a problem, they don't even hug you cuz you ain't Da Vinci, I ain't Picasso【当你有麻烦了,他们就不会继续管你了,因为你不是达芬奇我也不是毕加索(具有抽象思维的人)】

So whatever we gotta do that we must do【所以我们现在要做的就是打好基础】

Don't forget to tell me the fvcking truth they said【别忘了告诉我他们说的那些真相】

Cuz the Proletarian is sleeping on the haystack unless I can make that【因为无产阶级还睡在干草堆上呢,除非我也能做到】

Or the Black may rap to create a peaceful world, please face facts【或者像黑人唱的那样去创造一个和平的世界,但面对现实吧(这可能吗)】

In my shoes just to see【请站在我的角度想想】

What it's like to be me【 成为我是什么样的感觉】

I'll be you let's trade shoes【好吧,我们换位思考一下】

Just to see what I'd be like to【看看我们究竟能不能】

Feel your pain, you feel mine【我感受你的痛苦,你也感受我的】

Go inside each other's mind【深入彼此的灵魂】

Just to see what we find【试试看会有什么新的发现】

Looking sh1t through each other's eyes【透过对方的视野看看彼此的世界】

But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful, oh~【但不要让他们说你并不美丽】

They can all get fvcked Just stay true to you 【让它们成为过眼云烟吧吧,只要你问心无愧】


Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful, oh~【不要让他们说你并不美丽】

They can all get fvcked Just stay true to you 【让它们成为过眼云烟吧吧,只要你问心无愧】

