Philip Marlowe

Philip Marlowe


歌手:Berlin Psycho Nurses(柏林护士)

所属专辑:Philip Marlowe


  • LRC歌词
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[00:03.76]Long way down Hollywood street, 沿着好莱坞大街一路向下

[00:07.96]take a soft left, 稍往左拐

[00:10.07]families cherishing the new born of a week. 街边的房屋里正在准备周日的晚餐。

[00:13.77]None of these has anything to do with me, 而这些琐碎于我没有意义

[00:17.00] in a result of my name Marlowe, 我的名字

[00:19.21]indicates sentiments are none of my business.注定跟多愁善感没有关系。

[00:43.35]It was a raining afternoon, 今天下午下着雨

[00:45.14]and I mostly hate raining days. 而我最厌恶下雨天

[00:47.79]I just lost my key to my apartment,我刚弄丢了我公寓的钥匙

[00:50.82]with a client in an hour to meet. 而我的客人不到一个小时就要到了

[00:53.78]Yes, itches feel like burning. 因烦躁而发痒的皮肤已经开始生疼

[00:57.31]I just park my car at the corner, 我把车停好在了街角

[00:59.84]with a client in an hour to meet. 客人不到一个小时就要到了。

[01:04.12]Call it bizarre story the utterly formation of a script, 称之为奇怪的故事吧,那种最离奇最顶级的剧本故事

[01:12.74]though I wouldn’t bear myself perform it I wouldn’t bear myself perform it.但我不能忍受这事儿发生在我身上,我不能忍受这个。

[01:50.70]For a minute I thought I was daydreaming. 一瞬间我以为我在做白日梦

[01:54.30]A fancy woman with fancy linen hair came towards me. 一个有着一头漂亮亚麻头发的漂亮女人朝我走来

[02:00.61]She opened up a fancy leopard hand bag flipped out an envelope, 她打开了她那漂亮的豹纹手提包,拿出了一个信封

[02:06.02]sealing wax of my name on which. 蜂蜡上居然印着我的名字。

[02:11.09]Oh humming head humming head, 一瞬间我头晕目眩

[02:14.89]I don’t recall this woman from my guest list. 我不记得我的宾客名单里有这个女人

[02:21.35]No prologue no tease as usual, 没来得及说我那些俏皮开场白

[02:26.71]humming head buzz humming head.头晕目眩,头晕目眩。

[02:57.78]Founded on my husband’s typewriter she said, 我的丈夫已经失踪三天了,她说

[03:02.67]The man missing for three days. 我在他的打字机上找到了这封信

[03:07.65]I guess something to do with bills on the table which not for the bureau 我想这事儿可能和赌桌上的欠账有关所以没去找条子

[03:13.06]Sorry about uninvited. 抱歉不请自来了。

[03:18.23]Another same old story, 又是一个老套的故事,

[03:22.08]Gambling macaroni with a beauty. 怎么这种赌棍公子哥总能把到靓妞?

[03:28.49]Sell my hours for 20 bucks again 我又把自己卖了个20块一小时的好价钱,

[03:33.68]Trouble is my business. 因为跟麻烦事打交道就是我的命。

[03:47.80] 吉他:老顶 、OD

[04:01.92] 人声:伍一夫

[04:16.05] 贝斯:多多、李维思

[04:30.17] 鼓:海鹏

[04:44.30] 合成器:李青

[04:58.42] 录音:杨洲/何旭聪(UDS Studio)

[05:12.54] 混音:何旭聪(UDS Studio)

[05:26.67] 母带:时俊峰(福达Studio)

[05:40.79] OP:太合麦田(天津)音乐有限公司

[05:54.92] SP:太合麦田(天津)音乐有限公司(大陆)

[06:09.04] 大石音乐版权有限公司(海外)

Long way down Hollywood street, 沿着好莱坞大街一路向下

take a soft left, 稍往左拐

families cherishing the new born of a week. 街边的房屋里正在准备周日的晚餐。

None of these has anything to do with me, 而这些琐碎于我没有意义

in a result of my name Marlowe, 我的名字

indicates sentiments are none of my business.注定跟多愁善感没有关系。

It was a raining afternoon, 今天下午下着雨

and I mostly hate raining days. 而我最厌恶下雨天

I just lost my key to my apartment,我刚弄丢了我公寓的钥匙

with a client in an hour to meet. 而我的客人不到一个小时就要到了

Yes, itches feel like burning. 因烦躁而发痒的皮肤已经开始生疼

I just park my car at the corner, 我把车停好在了街角

with a client in an hour to meet. 客人不到一个小时就要到了。

Call it bizarre story the utterly formation of a script, 称之为奇怪的故事吧,那种最离奇最顶级的剧本故事

though I wouldn’t bear myself perform it I wouldn’t bear myself perform it.但我不能忍受这事儿发生在我身上,我不能忍受这个。

For a minute I thought I was daydreaming. 一瞬间我以为我在做白日梦

A fancy woman with fancy linen hair came towards me. 一个有着一头漂亮亚麻头发的漂亮女人朝我走来

She opened up a fancy leopard hand bag flipped out an envelope, 她打开了她那漂亮的豹纹手提包,拿出了一个信封

sealing wax of my name on which. 蜂蜡上居然印着我的名字。

Oh humming head humming head, 一瞬间我头晕目眩

I don’t recall this woman from my guest list. 我不记得我的宾客名单里有这个女人

No prologue no tease as usual, 没来得及说我那些俏皮开场白

humming head buzz humming head.头晕目眩,头晕目眩。

Founded on my husband’s typewriter she said, 我的丈夫已经失踪三天了,她说

The man missing for three days. 我在他的打字机上找到了这封信

I guess something to do with bills on the table which not for the bureau 我想这事儿可能和赌桌上的欠账有关所以没去找条子

Sorry about uninvited. 抱歉不请自来了。

Another same old story, 又是一个老套的故事,

Gambling macaroni with a beauty. 怎么这种赌棍公子哥总能把到靓妞?

Sell my hours for 20 bucks again 我又把自己卖了个20块一小时的好价钱,

Trouble is my business. 因为跟麻烦事打交道就是我的命。

吉他:老顶 、OD





录音:杨洲/何旭聪(UDS Studio)

混音:何旭聪(UDS Studio)




