Peter Pan

Peter Pan




  • LRC歌词
  • 文本歌词

作词 : SMART STUDY Co.,Ltd

作曲 : SMART STUDY Co.,Ltd

Peter Pan

Peter Pan and Tinkerbell

lived in Never Neverland

One day they visited Wendy’s house


Ruff Ruff

They were met by a big dog

Yikes What’s that

Peter Pan became scared and ran away

On his way out he dropped his shadow

A few days later

Peter Pan came back and found his shadow

But it would not stick back on

Oh no What am I to do

Wendy woke up to Peter Pan’s cry

What’s wrong my friend

My shadow won’t stick back on

Don’t worry I’ll help you

Wendy then sewed

Peter Pan’s shadow

back onto his body

Thank you

Peter Pan gave Wendy

a pretty necklace

And then he said

Wendy come with me

to Never Neverland

But I can’t fly

Flying is no problem

Sprinkle Sprinkle

And Wendy began to float

Wow I can fly

Wendy woke up her little brothers

and left for Never Neverland

Never Neverland had

all sorts of people

Mermaids Indians and even pirates

Captain Hook was the pirate leader

He disliked Peter Pan

Because Peter Pan

cut off his arm

and gave it to an alligator

That alligator still tick tocked

with the captain’s wristwatch

in his belly


Help I hate that sound

Wendy and her little brothers

reached Never Neverland

But Tinkerbell didn’t like Wendy

So Tinkerbell told the kids

in Never Neverland a lie

Hey kids

Peter Pan wants you to shoot that bird


Wendy got shot and fell to the ground

Hey It’s not a bird

It’s a girl

The kids were shocked

and began to cry

Kids I brought you a mommy

But what happened


Peter Pan came and fo


Wendy lying on the ground

He quickly took out the arrow

from Wendy’s chest

Wendy woke up

and the kids were so happy


Can you be our mommy


Okay kids I’ll be your mommy

Wendy decided to be

their mommy

Wendy was a good mommy

She played with them

and even read them bedtime stories

Wendy had lots of fun

with Peter Pan

in Never Neverland

But one day

Wendy became homesick

I miss my parents

She asked the kids

Come with me to my house

The kids all said yes

except for Peter Pan

You can all leave

I’m staying right here

Wendy and the kids

set off to Wendy’s house

But oh no

Captain Hook took

Wendy and the kids away

Tinkerbell quickly woke Peter Pan

Peter Pan Wake up

Wendy’s in danger

Captain Hook took

Wendy and the kids

Peter Pan flew quickly

to Captain Hook’s ship

Captain Hook was about

to throw Wendy

into the ocean

But then


Captain Hook heard the alligator coming

It’s the alligator


Right then Peter Pan appeared

He pushed the captain

into the alligator’s mouth

He then rescued Wendy

and the kids


Hooray for Peter Pan


Peter Pan Wendy

and all the kids

took the pirate’s ship

to Wendy’s house

Mommy Daddy

I missed you so

Wendy ran and hugged her parents

Wendy’s parents decided to

take care of all the kids

And they all lived

happily ever after

As for Peter Pan and Tinkerbell

They went back

to Never Neverland

And they lived

happily ever after too

作词 : SMART STUDY Co.,Ltd

作曲 : SMART STUDY Co.,Ltd

Peter Pan

Peter Pan and Tinkerbell

lived in Never Neverland

One day they visited Wendy’s house


Ruff Ruff

They were met by a big dog

Yikes What’s that

Peter Pan became scared and ran away

On his way out he dropped his shadow

A few days later

Peter Pan came back and found his shadow

But it would not stick back on

Oh no What am I to do

Wendy woke up to Peter Pan’s cry

What’s wrong my friend

My shadow won’t stick back on

Don’t worry I’ll help you

Wendy then sewed

Peter Pan’s shadow

back onto his body

Thank you

Peter Pan gave Wendy

a pretty necklace

And then he said

Wendy come with me

to Never Neverland

But I can’t fly

Flying is no problem

Sprinkle Sprinkle

And Wendy began to float

Wow I can fly

Wendy woke up her little brothers

and left for Never Neverland

Never Neverland had

all sorts of people

Mermaids Indians and even pirates

Captain Hook was the pirate leader

He disliked Peter Pan

Because Peter Pan

cut off his arm

and gave it to an alligator

That alligator still tick tocked

with the captain’s wristwatch

in his belly


Help I hate that sound

Wendy and her little brothers

reached Never Neverland

But Tinkerbell didn’t like Wendy

So Tinkerbell told the kids

in Never Neverland a lie

Hey kids

Peter Pan wants you to shoot that bird


Wendy got shot and fell to the ground

Hey It’s not a bird

It’s a girl

The kids were shocked

and began to cry

Kids I brought you a mommy

But what happened


Peter Pan came and fo


Wendy lying on the ground

He quickly took out the arrow

from Wendy’s chest

Wendy woke up

and the kids were so happy


Can you be our mommy


Okay kids I’ll be your mommy

Wendy decided to be

their mommy

Wendy was a good mommy

She played with them

and even read them bedtime stories

Wendy had lots of fun

with Peter Pan

in Never Neverland

But one day

Wendy became homesick

I miss my parents

She asked the kids

Come with me to my house

The kids all said yes

except for Peter Pan

You can all leave

I’m staying right here

Wendy and the kids

set off to Wendy’s house

But oh no

Captain Hook took

Wendy and the kids away

Tinkerbell quickly woke Peter Pan

Peter Pan Wake up

Wendy’s in danger

Captain Hook took

Wendy and the kids

Peter Pan flew quickly

to Captain Hook’s ship

Captain Hook was about

to throw Wendy

into the ocean

But then


Captain Hook heard the alligator coming

It’s the alligator


Right then Peter Pan appeared

He pushed the captain

into the alligator’s mouth

He then rescued Wendy

and the kids


Hooray for Peter Pan


Peter Pan Wendy

and all the kids

took the pirate’s ship

to Wendy’s house

Mommy Daddy

I missed you so

Wendy ran and hugged her parents

Wendy’s parents decided to

take care of all the kids

And they all lived

happily ever after

As for Peter Pan and Tinkerbell

They went back

to Never Neverland

And they lived

happily ever after too
