"Tonight it's me"

"Tonight it's me"


所属专辑:"Tonight it's me"


  • LRC歌词
  • 文本歌词

[00:00.000] 作词 : 代润徽DeiWu/OSAKAAKIRA

[00:01.000] 作曲 : 代润徽DeiWu/OSAKAAKIRA

[00:02.000] 编曲 : 代润徽DeiWu/OSAKAAKIRA

[00:15.507]“Tonight it’s me”

[00:18.047]I don’t need (我不需要)

[00:18.757]to be fancy (外表的光鲜)

[00:20.037]Having thoughts in my body (因为我拥有思想)

[00:22.120]I don’t care (我不在乎)

[00:22.855]How to act (要去如何掩饰)

[00:24.205]Telling truth (叙述事实)

[00:24.871]That’s basic (是我的原则)

[00:26.419]I may be targeted in streets(也许会在街道被人盯上)

[00:28.339]won’t be afraid of hiding (也不会因为要躲藏而害怕)

[00:30.343]People want to keep their safety (人们想要得到安全)

[00:32.369]But don’t want to lose self-identity (但不代表需要失去自我的认知)

[00:34.555]you feel me (你懂我意思吗)

[00:35.653]I can see the world is diverse (能看到世界如此多样)

[00:37.505]cannot see equality(却没能看到平等)

[00:39.225]You feel me (你懂我意思吗)

[00:39.618]What should everyone deserve (每个人都应该得到什么我不清楚)

[00:41.554]But No one “Born to Be Hurt” (但没有人生来就要被受伤害)

[00:42.453]You feel me (你懂我意思吗)

[00:43.921]Things do happen around me (事件真实地发生在我身边)

[00:45.469]And not just happen Lately (而且不仅仅只是最近才这样)

[00:46.802]You feel me (你懂我意思吗)

[00:47.585]So I’m writing for (所以我记录)

[00:48.319]And rapping for (并用我擅长的方式传达)

[00:48.853]The message (这重要的信息)

[00:49.319]To appeal more people to join the group (来让更多的人了解加入行列)

[00:50.423]Can You feel me (你懂我意思吗)

[00:50.937]We need to do something right now

[00:53.707]问题被解掉 (We need to solve the problems)

[00:54.908]你说那是轻松的 but how (You think it’s simple but how to solve it?)

[00:57.838]这么久了还是没好 (It's been a long time and it still hasn't been resolved)

[00:59.822]每个人心中愿景美好 (Everyone has a good wish)

[01:01.952]不要害怕被前进累倒 (Don't be afraid to move forward)

[01:03.672]现在发声就是限定解药 (It's only natural to speak up for this now)

[01:06.052]未来不在陷阱跌倒 (I won't be hurt anymore because of this in the future)

[01:08.842]“Tonight it’s her”(今夜是她)

[01:10.821]“Tonight it’s him” (今夜又是他)

[01:12.853]“Tonight it’s you”(现在轮到你了)

[01:14.402]“Who’s the next one gonna be”(下个人又会轮到谁)

[01:16.510]“Tonight it’s her”(今夜是她)

[01:18.975]“Tonight it’s him” (今夜又是他)

[01:21.153]“Tonight it’s you”(现在轮到你了)

[01:22.689]“Does it mean next night it’s me”(这是否意味着明晚就轮到我了)

[01:26.569]“Don’t worry” can I say that (“别担心” 我现在能说出这句话吗)

[01:30.254]But When we can really end it (但谁又能告诉我们什么时候才能结束这一切呢)

[01:34.725]“Don’t worry” can I say that (“别担心” 我现在能说出这句话吗)

[01:39.053]But When we can... (但到底要什么时候才可以…)

[01:40.807]我站在高楼俯瞰这座城市 (I stand in the concrete jungle overlooking the city)

[01:42.370]梦想站得越高而且能够心灵诚挚 (Dreams stand higher and can be sincere in heart)

[01:44.751]多少人来和我心里神似 (many persons like me)

[01:47.912]幻想这个世界被所有的好意粉饰 (Imagine that the world is full of beautiful things)

[01:49.033]my mama told me这里是个美好小城 (It's a nice place here)

[01:50.848]怎么暗流涌动貌似这里不全都是好人 (Why is the undercurrent surging? It seems that not all the people here are good)

[01:52.893]阳光虽然活跃在每一个下午还有早晨 (Although the sun shines every afternoon and morning)

[01:54.978]但是黑夜里的小巷暗藏多少东西不可告人 (But how many hidden things are there in the alleys of the dark night)

[01:57.710]我以为远离大城市等于远离危险和纷争 (I thought staying away from the big city was the same as staying away from danger and strife)

[02:00.915]但是那些人的所作所为激怒所有旁人一不小心直接就走漏了风声 (But what those people are doing is nerve-racking)

[02:04.976]没有看到超级英雄来到巷子里 (Did not see the superhero come to help)

[02:06.934]个人英雄主义的漫画是一纸空谈 (The comics that tell their stories are nothing but empty talk)

[02:09.093]发生再坏的事情但都得靠自己 (No matter how bad things happen, one should face it by him or herself)

[02:11.133]感谢最后会有人来为我雪里送炭 (I appreciate that, someone came to help me in the end)

[02:13.681]怎么我在这读了五年 (I’m here for so long)

[02:15.228]旅程结尾还要给我脸上加上五拳 (But why can't it leave a good impression on me from beginning to end?)

[02:17.279]说白了我在你地盘也在出钱 (I'm not doing nothing here)

[02:19.312]你所谓的回应做得真的敷衍 (Your so-called response is really perfunctory)

[02:21.794]还有人坚持默不作声 (Others remain silent)

[02:24.161]即使你是我的朋友你也显得陌生 (Even if you're my friend, you look like a stranger)

[02:25.576]你也晓得啥子不做就会酿成祸根 (You should also know that doing nothing will only lead to a bad ending)

[02:27.814]只有勇敢发声我们最后才能获胜 (Only by being brave can we win in the end)

[02:30.230]热血的骑士端起大刀砍断了高岗上的旗帜 (Here’s someone take the lead)

[02:34.297]方向都不得再迷失 大部队永远有统一的意志 (No longer lost the direction, we have a unified will)

[02:38.390]现在是2 0 2 2代表所有声音我们消除歧视 (It's 2022, on behalf of all voices we are about to end discrimination)

[02:42.490]跳过了陈旧历史 个人努力不再会是孤注一掷 (Skip the old history, personal efforts are no longer all-or-nothing)

[02:49.780]We need to do something right now

[02:52.647]问题被解掉 (We need to solve the problems)

[02:53.919]你说那是轻松的 but how (You think it’s simple but how to solve it?)

[02:56.763]这么久了还是没好 (It's been a long time and it still hasn't been resolved)

[02:58.733]每个人心中愿景美好 (Everyone has a good wish)

[03:00.856]不要害怕被前进累倒 (Don't be afraid to move forward)

[03:02.574]现在发声就是限定解药 (It's only natural to speak up for this now)

[03:04.958]未来不在陷阱跌倒 (I won't be hurt anymore because of this in the future)

[03:07.520]“Tonight it’s her”(今夜是她)

[03:09.773]“Tonight it’s him” (今夜又是他)

[03:12.091]“Tonight it’s you”(现在轮到你了)

[03:13.388]“Who’s the next one gonna be”(下个人又会轮到谁)

[03:15.976]“Tonight it’s her”(今夜是她)

[03:17.988]“Tonight it’s him” (今夜又是他)

[03:20.089]“Tonight it’s you”(现在轮到你了)

[03:21.573]“Does it mean next night it’s me”(这是否意味着明晚就轮到我了)

作词 : 代润徽DeiWu/OSAKAAKIRA

作曲 : 代润徽DeiWu/OSAKAAKIRA

编曲 : 代润徽DeiWu/OSAKAAKIRA

“Tonight it’s me”

I don’t need (我不需要)

to be fancy (外表的光鲜)

Having thoughts in my body (因为我拥有思想)

I don’t care (我不在乎)

How to act (要去如何掩饰)

Telling truth (叙述事实)

That’s basic (是我的原则)

I may be targeted in streets(也许会在街道被人盯上)

won’t be afraid of hiding (也不会因为要躲藏而害怕)

People want to keep their safety (人们想要得到安全)

But don’t want to lose self-identity (但不代表需要失去自我的认知)

you feel me (你懂我意思吗)

I can see the world is diverse (能看到世界如此多样)

cannot see equality(却没能看到平等)

You feel me (你懂我意思吗)

What should everyone deserve (每个人都应该得到什么我不清楚)

But No one “Born to Be Hurt” (但没有人生来就要被受伤害)

You feel me (你懂我意思吗)

Things do happen around me (事件真实地发生在我身边)

And not just happen Lately (而且不仅仅只是最近才这样)

You feel me (你懂我意思吗)

So I’m writing for (所以我记录)

And rapping for (并用我擅长的方式传达)

The message (这重要的信息)

To appeal more people to join the group (来让更多的人了解加入行列)

Can You feel me (你懂我意思吗)

We need to do something right now

问题被解掉 (We need to solve the problems)

你说那是轻松的 but how (You think it’s simple but how to solve it?)

这么久了还是没好 (It's been a long time and it still hasn't been resolved)

每个人心中愿景美好 (Everyone has a good wish)

不要害怕被前进累倒 (Don't be afraid to move forward)

现在发声就是限定解药 (It's only natural to speak up for this now)

未来不在陷阱跌倒 (I won't be hurt anymore because of this in the future)

“Tonight it’s her”(今夜是她)

“Tonight it’s him” (今夜又是他)

“Tonight it’s you”(现在轮到你了)

“Who’s the next one gonna be”(下个人又会轮到谁)

“Tonight it’s her”(今夜是她)

“Tonight it’s him” (今夜又是他)

“Tonight it’s you”(现在轮到你了)

“Does it mean next night it’s me”(这是否意味着明晚就轮到我了)

“Don’t worry” can I say that (“别担心” 我现在能说出这句话吗)

But When we can really end it (但谁又能告诉我们什么时候才能结束这一切呢)

“Don’t worry” can I say that (“别担心” 我现在能说出这句话吗)

But When we can... (但到底要什么时候才可以…)

我站在高楼俯瞰这座城市 (I stand in the concrete jungle overlooking the city)

梦想站得越高而且能够心灵诚挚 (Dreams stand higher and can be sincere in heart)

多少人来和我心里神似 (many persons like me)

幻想这个世界被所有的好意粉饰 (Imagine that the world is full of beautiful things)

my mama told me这里是个美好小城 (It's a nice place here)

怎么暗流涌动貌似这里不全都是好人 (Why is the undercurrent surging? It seems that not all the people here are good)

阳光虽然活跃在每一个下午还有早晨 (Although the sun shines every afternoon and morning)

但是黑夜里的小巷暗藏多少东西不可告人 (But how many hidden things are there in the alleys of the dark night)

我以为远离大城市等于远离危险和纷争 (I thought staying away from the big city was the same as staying away from danger and strife)

但是那些人的所作所为激怒所有旁人一不小心直接就走漏了风声 (But what those people are doing is nerve-racking)

没有看到超级英雄来到巷子里 (Did not see the superhero come to help)

个人英雄主义的漫画是一纸空谈 (The comics that tell their stories are nothing but empty talk)

发生再坏的事情但都得靠自己 (No matter how bad things happen, one should face it by him or herself)

感谢最后会有人来为我雪里送炭 (I appreciate that, someone came to help me in the end)

怎么我在这读了五年 (I’m here for so long)

旅程结尾还要给我脸上加上五拳 (But why can't it leave a good impression on me from beginning to end?)

说白了我在你地盘也在出钱 (I'm not doing nothing here)

你所谓的回应做得真的敷衍 (Your so-called response is really perfunctory)

还有人坚持默不作声 (Others remain silent)

即使你是我的朋友你也显得陌生 (Even if you're my friend, you look like a stranger)

你也晓得啥子不做就会酿成祸根 (You should also know that doing nothing will only lead to a bad ending)

只有勇敢发声我们最后才能获胜 (Only by being brave can we win in the end)

热血的骑士端起大刀砍断了高岗上的旗帜 (Here’s someone take the lead)

方向都不得再迷失 大部队永远有统一的意志 (No longer lost the direction, we have a unified will)

现在是2 0 2 2代表所有声音我们消除歧视 (It's 2022, on behalf of all voices we are about to end discrimination)

跳过了陈旧历史 个人努力不再会是孤注一掷 (Skip the old history, personal efforts are no longer all-or-nothing)

We need to do something right now

问题被解掉 (We need to solve the problems)

你说那是轻松的 but how (You think it’s simple but how to solve it?)

这么久了还是没好 (It's been a long time and it still hasn't been resolved)

每个人心中愿景美好 (Everyone has a good wish)

不要害怕被前进累倒 (Don't be afraid to move forward)

现在发声就是限定解药 (It's only natural to speak up for this now)

未来不在陷阱跌倒 (I won't be hurt anymore because of this in the future)

“Tonight it’s her”(今夜是她)

“Tonight it’s him” (今夜又是他)

“Tonight it’s you”(现在轮到你了)

“Who’s the next one gonna be”(下个人又会轮到谁)

“Tonight it’s her”(今夜是她)

“Tonight it’s him” (今夜又是他)

“Tonight it’s you”(现在轮到你了)

“Does it mean next night it’s me”(这是否意味着明晚就轮到我了)
