Triple Deezy Cypher (From 2016)

Triple Deezy Cypher (From 2016)

歌手:DEEZY (Shout Dogg)

所属专辑:The Home Cooking: Demos From Last Ten Years


  • LRC歌词
  • 文本歌词

作词 : DEEZY (Shout Dogg)

作曲 : Cha Cha Malone

Verse: 1

Verse 1 , page 1 (第一页,第一章)说唱的Bible(圣经)

思维就像race car(赛车),直线加速nitro (氮气)

My flow dope it might blow,ISIS(我的flow易燃易爆)

You so broke(你不行) 被猜透 I’m just(我只是)

Doing little bit lyrical exercise(稍稍做一下歌词联系)

Too much big words oh i need some extra size(太多大词,我需要更大尺寸的衣服)

danger over heated, so Conceited(危险,过热,又自大)

One mic one beat & one deed is all i needed(我只要一个话筒一个伴奏和一个目标)

Technically I’m un-compatible (技术上来说,我无法击败)

Lock n loud some verbs n nouns and there it go(把名字和动词上膛发射)

God damn it ,it’s weaponize language(天呢,这是武器化的语言)

Offensive do some serious damage (激进到有严重的后果)

Ok ok thats another cypher song(好的,好的,这是另一个说唱接力)

but its me featuring me, yes I write along(是我跨刀现场我自己,是的我一个人写)

I don’t care about right or worn(我不管对与错)

I’m a king just like lebron and I’m gone(我像勒布朗一样是国王,唱完之后我就撤了)

Verse 2:


I spit bars(我吐词)多到可以造一座监狱

My hip hop(我的Hip-Hop)资源多到能拷一千G

You get that(你明白)我也许每天能写一千句


穿着Louis V Clothes也能很体面





不出差错,got something to rhyme with(很很多想法可以押韵)

Tic tic on the clock you know what the time is(时间飞逝,你知道现在是什么时间)

Click click pow(象声词) 这是我的寒暄

Flow Sick in the house(厉害的韵律在房子里)让你不在安全


So When u see me on TV Be easy (当你看到我在电视上请放轻松)

Verse 3:

这是压轴,with hot flow(有很辣的韵律) 他辣的就像taco(墨西哥卷饼)

So ola, amigo,(你好,朋友)我是饶舌界的Pablo (巴勃罗毕加索)

Deezy escobar,但是不太会说Spanish(西班牙语)

So when the beats drop, other rappers just vanished(所以当音乐响起其他说唱歌手都被蒸发)

Save the best for last, fresh to def(把好的留到最后,帅到不行)

make you hard to catch a breath asthma attack when you hear this rapper rap(当我开始饶舌,让你很难喘息就像哮喘)

This boy no longer breathing(这小伙不再呼吸)

Destroy anything without a reason(不需要理由的摧毁一切)

Jump into cypher circle(跳进说唱现场)就像在开车喝酒




High function sociopath bloody maniac(高智商的反派人格的疯子)

if you test, result could be really really bad(你测试的话结果会很糟糕)

Which means I’m cocky ass mean muthaphucka(这说明我是个自负的玛卡巴卡)

Also looking good in a wet dream of ya lover(在你朋友的梦里也很帅气)

作词 : DEEZY (Shout Dogg)

作曲 : Cha Cha Malone

Verse: 1

Verse 1 , page 1 (第一页,第一章)说唱的Bible(圣经)

思维就像race car(赛车),直线加速nitro (氮气)

My flow dope it might blow,ISIS(我的flow易燃易爆)

You so broke(你不行) 被猜透 I’m just(我只是)

Doing little bit lyrical exercise(稍稍做一下歌词联系)

Too much big words oh i need some extra size(太多大词,我需要更大尺寸的衣服)

danger over heated, so Conceited(危险,过热,又自大)

One mic one beat & one deed is all i needed(我只要一个话筒一个伴奏和一个目标)

Technically I’m un-compatible (技术上来说,我无法击败)

Lock n loud some verbs n nouns and there it go(把名字和动词上膛发射)

God damn it ,it’s weaponize language(天呢,这是武器化的语言)

Offensive do some serious damage (激进到有严重的后果)

Ok ok thats another cypher song(好的,好的,这是另一个说唱接力)

but its me featuring me, yes I write along(是我跨刀现场我自己,是的我一个人写)

I don’t care about right or worn(我不管对与错)

I’m a king just like lebron and I’m gone(我像勒布朗一样是国王,唱完之后我就撤了)

Verse 2:


I spit bars(我吐词)多到可以造一座监狱

My hip hop(我的Hip-Hop)资源多到能拷一千G

You get that(你明白)我也许每天能写一千句


穿着Louis V Clothes也能很体面





不出差错,got something to rhyme with(很很多想法可以押韵)

Tic tic on the clock you know what the time is(时间飞逝,你知道现在是什么时间)

Click click pow(象声词) 这是我的寒暄

Flow Sick in the house(厉害的韵律在房子里)让你不在安全


So When u see me on TV Be easy (当你看到我在电视上请放轻松)

Verse 3:

这是压轴,with hot flow(有很辣的韵律) 他辣的就像taco(墨西哥卷饼)

So ola, amigo,(你好,朋友)我是饶舌界的Pablo (巴勃罗毕加索)

Deezy escobar,但是不太会说Spanish(西班牙语)

So when the beats drop, other rappers just vanished(所以当音乐响起其他说唱歌手都被蒸发)

Save the best for last, fresh to def(把好的留到最后,帅到不行)

make you hard to catch a breath asthma attack when you hear this rapper rap(当我开始饶舌,让你很难喘息就像哮喘)

This boy no longer breathing(这小伙不再呼吸)

Destroy anything without a reason(不需要理由的摧毁一切)

Jump into cypher circle(跳进说唱现场)就像在开车喝酒




High function sociopath bloody maniac(高智商的反派人格的疯子)

if you test, result could be really really bad(你测试的话结果会很糟糕)

Which means I’m cocky ass mean muthaphucka(这说明我是个自负的玛卡巴卡)

Also looking good in a wet dream of ya lover(在你朋友的梦里也很帅气)
