


所属专辑:FEEL ME


  • LRC歌词
  • 文本歌词

[00:00.00] 作词 : XB

[00:01.00] 作曲 : x4m

[00:02.20]Mix by C-Low




[00:11.69]it's ************* real life

[00:14.55]从来不会再去有期待        i don't have no expertations no more

[00:17.36]你想过太多东西会有爱      You think too much things have love

[00:19.83]我必须一切都会在释怀      Everything must be relieving


[00:22.75]得到的多吗真的还不算太够  have i achieved enough? nah 

[00:25.43]要把那失败眼泪留在坟里头  Leave the tears of failure in the grave

[00:28.19]就像那鸭绿江水一直在流动  Flowing like the Yalu River flow

[00:31.08]在我回家的时候为我留盏灯  Keep a light for me when I go home

[00:33.89]你看着周围                Look around

[00:35.15]还在继续诌媚              they just flaatering

[00:36.51]抱紧他的大腿              kissing his ass like oh

[00:37.94]我不住的皱眉              Can't stop frowing

[00:39.35]我才不去防备              not gonna defend it

[00:40.71]就算输的狼狈              Even if i end up losing all my grace

[00:42.12]为真性情流泪              leaving my tears for the real ones

[00:43.53]人生也不枉为              Life is not in vain


[00:45.78]蒲公英随风而去播种        Dandelion sowing with the wind

[00:48.21]就算是暴风我也更加从容    Even if it's a storm,I'll be more leisurely

[00:51.04]本来就轻盈顺势飞在空中    i just flying like a eagle

[00:53.67]轻易就引起了台下躁动      Causing the riot casually

[00:57.06]越来越锐利                im like a sharp weapon 

[00:58.38]******* 在搏击            *******.It's boxing

[00:59.83]on me 靠自己              On Me,on my own

[01:01.15]感谢每个beat              Thanks to every beat

[01:02.35]不会再去靠****            Not more depending the ****

[01:03.81]我自己就走进去            Going in there all by me

[01:05.53]轻易的驾驭每种feel yeah   i run all the feelings like bossy

[01:08.25]想和你度过每个night       wanna spend every night with you

[01:10.54]越来越清晰的那个女孩      the girl i see more and more clearly 

[01:13.31]紧张的窒息等着你到来      waiting for you made me hard to breathe

[01:16.29]真的很期待下一个礼拜      Expecting the next week sincerly

[01:19.33]如果还有谁想把你和我在分离 If anyone wants to separate us apart

[01:21.90]你就站在我的身后我负责来去攻击 stay behind of me,i'm here to fight

[01:24.76]安心的后盾把我的后背交给你   you got my back and i got yours

[01:27.49]不管你在哪我都会不顾一切找到你 I'll find you eventually no matter what

[01:30.77]带走第一天one day         the very first day i'm wit you

[01:32.28]太阳下相互依偎            Two hearts snuggle together

[01:33.53]像kapa背靠着背            Back to the back like Kapa

[01:34.85]亲密像鱼遇到了水          feeling like a fish in its own water

[01:36.26]如果你要问你自己          if you ask yourself  

[01:37.47]人生就像是电视剧          Life is like a TV play

[01:38.95]猜不透她的内心            can't figure out what's on her mind

[01:40.14]看到她的美丽在怀疑        Doubting her beauty when I see

[01:41.81]你的里外                  Your inside and outside

[01:43.23]从来备受期待              Always been expected

[01:44.76]从来都不会再去意外        Never been unexpected

[01:46.22]不会受到那些疑猜          Not by those who doubt

[01:47.83]你不用去忍受              You don't have to put up with it

[01:48.99]一场荒谬的拯救            It's an absurd salvation

[01:50.71]你已经很完美了何必要去拯救  You're perfect,no need to be saved

[01:53.18]随时准备好跟我再继续往下走 Be ready to go on with me 4ever

[01:55.90]就请别错过每场认真准备的show  please don't miss any show i fully prepared

[01:58.73]i don’t give **** 

[01:59.92]谁要冲破小宇宙            Who wants to break the limit 

[02:01.50]我只想你父母允不允许牵你的手 i wonderif your parents would let me hold your hand

[02:04.71]哦 天哪 快斟满一杯烧酒    Oh god,fill the glass 

[02:07.28]明天还继续请别带着忧愁    there will be tomorrow, no need to sorrow

[02:09.81]如果真的可以那就对我点头  nod to me if that's a yes

[02:12.55]带你到我的家乡再去走一走  wanna Take you to my hometown and wonder around


[02:15.68]i got fell me 终于想明白  I got fell me,finally understand

[02:18.22]从来都不会再有real life   Never have a real life again

[02:21.09]我们都在乎谁是那个人      We all care about who's the one

[02:23.61]想要的超脱必须要有爱      The desire to be transcended must have love

[02:26.63]i got fell me 终于想明白  I got feel me,finally understand

[02:29.37]时间的一切会化作尘埃      Everything in time will be turned into dust

[02:32.17]没有人可以真的再重来      No one can come back for real

[02:35.19]我们都对爱真的超期待      We all looking forward to love

作词 : XB

作曲 : x4m

Mix by C-Low

it's ************* real life

从来不会再去有期待        i don't have no expertations no more

你想过太多东西会有爱      You think too much things have love

我必须一切都会在释怀      Everything must be relieving


得到的多吗真的还不算太够  have i achieved enough? nah 

要把那失败眼泪留在坟里头  Leave the tears of failure in the grave

就像那鸭绿江水一直在流动  Flowing like the Yalu River flow

在我回家的时候为我留盏灯  Keep a light for me when I go home

你看着周围                Look around

还在继续诌媚              they just flaatering

抱紧他的大腿              kissing his ass like oh

我不住的皱眉              Can't stop frowing

我才不去防备              not gonna defend it

就算输的狼狈              Even if i end up losing all my grace

为真性情流泪              leaving my tears for the real ones

人生也不枉为              Life is not in vain

蒲公英随风而去播种        Dandelion sowing with the wind

就算是暴风我也更加从容    Even if it's a storm,I'll be more leisurely

本来就轻盈顺势飞在空中    i just flying like a eagle

轻易就引起了台下躁动      Causing the riot casually

越来越锐利                im like a sharp weapon 

******* 在搏击            *******.It's boxing

on me 靠自己              On Me,on my own

感谢每个beat              Thanks to every beat

不会再去靠****            Not more depending the ****

我自己就走进去            Going in there all by me

轻易的驾驭每种feel yeah   i run all the feelings like bossy

想和你度过每个night       wanna spend every night with you

越来越清晰的那个女孩      the girl i see more and more clearly 

紧张的窒息等着你到来      waiting for you made me hard to breathe

真的很期待下一个礼拜      Expecting the next week sincerly

如果还有谁想把你和我在分离 If anyone wants to separate us apart

你就站在我的身后我负责来去攻击 stay behind of me,i'm here to fight

安心的后盾把我的后背交给你   you got my back and i got yours

不管你在哪我都会不顾一切找到你 I'll find you eventually no matter what

带走第一天one day         the very first day i'm wit you

太阳下相互依偎            Two hearts snuggle together

像kapa背靠着背            Back to the back like Kapa

亲密像鱼遇到了水          feeling like a fish in its own water

如果你要问你自己          if you ask yourself  

人生就像是电视剧          Life is like a TV play

猜不透她的内心            can't figure out what's on her mind

看到她的美丽在怀疑        Doubting her beauty when I see

你的里外                  Your inside and outside

从来备受期待              Always been expected

从来都不会再去意外        Never been unexpected

不会受到那些疑猜          Not by those who doubt

你不用去忍受              You don't have to put up with it

一场荒谬的拯救            It's an absurd salvation

你已经很完美了何必要去拯救  You're perfect,no need to be saved

随时准备好跟我再继续往下走 Be ready to go on with me 4ever

就请别错过每场认真准备的show  please don't miss any show i fully prepared

i don’t give **** 

谁要冲破小宇宙            Who wants to break the limit 

我只想你父母允不允许牵你的手 i wonderif your parents would let me hold your hand

哦 天哪 快斟满一杯烧酒    Oh god,fill the glass 

明天还继续请别带着忧愁    there will be tomorrow, no need to sorrow

如果真的可以那就对我点头  nod to me if that's a yes

带你到我的家乡再去走一走  wanna Take you to my hometown and wonder around

i got fell me 终于想明白  I got fell me,finally understand

从来都不会再有real life   Never have a real life again

我们都在乎谁是那个人      We all care about who's the one

想要的超脱必须要有爱      The desire to be transcended must have love

i got fell me 终于想明白  I got feel me,finally understand

时间的一切会化作尘埃      Everything in time will be turned into dust

没有人可以真的再重来      No one can come back for real

我们都对爱真的超期待      We all looking forward to love
