累积了台湾南北大小音乐祭与 Livehouse 表演经验,并在在2016年底发完作品「洞穴寓言」之后,团员们对于音乐由爱生恨,也对彼此极度厌倦,于是乐团休团,大家回家好好做人。
累积了台湾南北大小音乐祭与 Livehouse 表演经验,并在在2016年底发完作品「洞穴寓言」之后,团员们对于音乐由爱生恨,也对彼此极度厌倦,于是乐团休团,大家回家好好做人。
2018春天,异乡人死灰复燃,找了全新团员:吉他手林钲杰、贝斯手郑杰夫、鼓手卢泓均,重新继续写歌,并开始巡演。2019年一月,发行作品「土断 Imaginative Habitation」,2021年三月发行新作品「离岛 An Insular Departure」。
“In a universe suddenly divested of illusions and lights, man feels an alien, a stranger.” —Albert Camus
We are The Strangers, a Post-Rock band based in Takao, Taiwan.
Accumulating a number of performances in both live-houses and music festivals, we released our first demo “Allegory of the Cave” in late 2016. By the end of the promoting tour, all band members find it absurd to play music as a endless living routine, so the band split apart, as everyone went back to their own absurd lives instead.
In spring, 2018, guitarist CJ gradually overcome his depression, and recruited another guitarist Jarvis, bassist Jeff, and drummer Lu, starting a new Strangers. We released our work “Imaginative Habitation” in January, 2019; and “An Insular Departure” in March, 2021.
Our song is dedicated to the paradox between our imaginative utopia and the absurd reality. Everyone is invited to bridge this paradox with our music.