

"Re-inventor of Chinese classical instruments zhongruan and pipa, composer, guitar hero, DJ, one man orchestra, music pioneer and explorer of new soun

"Re-inventor of Chinese classical instruments zhongruan and pipa, composer, guitar hero, DJ, one man orchestra, music pioneer and explorer of new sounds, Djang San has been doing music in Asia since the year 2000. An artist with many faces, Djang San has also won the battle of the bands in Mainland China and Hong Kong against 100 bands in the year 2011.

Djang San has so far released 40 albums, the music styles of the albums range from Jazz to electro, rock, classical music, experimental music and more. Creator of a theory of intelligence, the personality of Djang San takes many different shapes in his many different projects.

As a one man band, Djang San plays seven different instruments on stage including guitar, flutes, electronic devices and synthesizers.

Djang San was also nominated as « Best Folk Singer of the Year » by China Radio International in 2014.

Djang San + Band is an extension of Djang San, a trio based on electric versions of Chinese instruments zhongruan and pipa he has created himself."



他无疑大大革新了这一中国传统乐器的使用。乐队整体风格多样,像是带有中国风格的民谣,兼具摇滚、爵士、电子等其他乐风。张思安原名让-塞巴斯蒂安·艾利。他于2000年踏上中国的土地。2010年,他以“保险超人乐队”参加了中国摇滚大赛 并在中国大陆和香港地区赢得冠军。他一直在电子和实验音乐领域孜孜不倦地探索。他的音乐很难归类。他是第一个用中阮作曲的外国人,也是第一位使用这一乐器演奏爵士乐和摇滚乐 的音乐家。



张思安把这样一种大多数国人都没听说过的乐器玩出了花。2013 年,他发行了一张中阮合集。听着他操着一口还算流利的中文,缓缓弹着中国传统民族乐器,唱着简单朴实的中文歌词,真是一种神奇的体验。他还有许多有趣的个人项目,比如向 8-bit 致敬的《8 Bit Boy》,还有电琵琶实验专辑《试验电琵琶》。打开他的 BANDCAMP 主页,三十多张专辑让人眼花缭乱,在惊叹他的高产的同时,也惊异于他对于音乐可能性探索的执着和态度。


他2006年 组建了“了不起的JSB!”乐队,进行世界音乐的探索。他们自称是地球上唯一一支“有着唱中文歌的法国主唱和巨大音乐包容性的乐队”。


2013 年,他组建了一支新的乐队“张思安与乐队”(Djang San + Band),进行更广泛的音乐探索。这支乐队的风格很难被定义,它包含着车库、民谣、实验、爵士、电子、等等。


张思安与乐队最近去了韩国和日本的音乐节演出,2017年5月份又参加了韩国的« Seoul Music Week » .

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