Tommy Sire

Tommy Sire

Tommy Sire从2007年开始从事Hip Hop音乐的创作和表演,演出合作过的艺人包括欧洲格莱美得奖说唱歌手“Dogge Dogglito”、中国说唱元老Tim Wu、美国加州说唱歌手Bryan King以及底特律新生代说唱歌手Tone Perignon。合作过的音乐制作人包括来自杭州的新生代

Tommy Sire从2007年开始从事Hip Hop音乐的创作和表演,演出合作过的艺人包括欧洲格莱美得奖说唱歌手“Dogge Dogglito”、中国说唱元老Tim Wu、美国加州说唱歌手Bryan King以及底特律新生代说唱歌手Tone Perignon。合作过的音乐制作人包括来自杭州的新生代制作人Kast Chain、Pharrel Williams DJ大赛前5强DJ Vance、著名制作人Scottie Spits、E-Trou、Dude Clayy、Trel 808以及Anthony Page等等。

从艺的十年间于不同平台发布过近20首单曲以及2张mixtape, 其中在2014年发布了与Bryan King共同创建的AMG (Ascension Music Group)的首张mixtape并在虾米获得了9.9的高分并将中英文结合的说唱理念进一步传播给世界。

Tommy Sire的说唱风格在中英文之间切换自如,用一种与世无争的态度去阐述生活以及想法。

Tommy Sire is known as one of the most talented Hip Hop Artists and has great potential in becoming an international Hip Hop star. He has been making music since 2007, he released almost 20 singles on different platforms and 2 mixtapes. He has worked with big names such as: European Grammy winner rapper "Dogge Dogglio", Tim Wu, DJ Vance, Scottie Spits, E-Trou, Dude Clayy, Trel 808 , Anthony Page and so on.

Tommy effortlessly switches his flow from Chinese to English and has been grinding now for a decade to bring to the world his unmatched talent and whit. It seems that on one can compete with The Sire.

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