山陬海澨(The Mountainsea)

山陬海澨(The Mountainsea)




SUNK的全新专辑《山陬海澨(The Mountainsea)》(Electronic/Melodic Techno/Ambient/IDM),讲述山人误入山海经光怪仙境的故事,整张专辑共8首歌曲,代表8个场景,将亦幻亦真的场景展示在无限想象的音乐世界中,让听众可以在脑海勾勒出独属于自己独特的山海灵

SUNK的全新专辑《山陬海澨(The Mountainsea)》(Electronic/Melodic Techno/Ambient/IDM),讲述山人误入山海经光怪仙境的故事,整张专辑共8首歌曲,代表8个场景,将亦幻亦真的场景展示在无限想象的音乐世界中,让听众可以在脑海勾勒出独属于自己独特的山海灵界。专辑所有曲目在2020-2021年之间创作,延续了《天干地支》国韵古调/电子融合之风。

专辑的封面设计是由插画设计师Tin Huang设计。SUNK's new album "The Mountain Sea" (Electronic/Melodic Techno/Ambient/IDM) tells the story of mountain people mistakenly entering the fairyland of mountains and seas. The whole album consists of 8 songs, representing 8 scenes, showing the unreal and true scenes in the music world of infinite imagination, so that listeners can sketch their own unique mountains and seas in their minds. All the albums were created in 2020-2021, continuing the trend of national rhyme and ancient tune/electronic integration of the album “Day Chronology”.

The album cover design was designed by illustrator Tin Huang.