Jouney to the New World

Jouney to the New World

歌手:Sharon Isbin



Grammy Award-winning guitarist Sharon Isbin's debut release on Sony Masterworks is, as she describes it, "A voyage in song from the British Isles to t

Grammy Award-winning guitarist Sharon Isbin's debut release on Sony Masterworks is, as she describes it, "A voyage in song from the British Isles to the New World." She is joined by two stellar guest artists: Grammy Award-winning folk singer Joan Baez and violin virtuoso Mark O'Connor. The album includes world premieres of the Joan Baez Suite by John Duarte and the Strings & Threads Suite for violin and guitar by O'Connor.

新专辑名为《Journey to the New World》,新世界的旅程。选录歌曲从英国民谣到新世界曲目,包括:四首文艺复兴时期鲁特琴作品之吉他改编版:“Drewrie’s accordes”,John Dowland的“Lord Willoughby’s Welcome Home”,“Rossignol”,和John Johnson的“绿袖子主题变奏曲”,这四首乐曲全是二重奏,Isbin分轨录制了两个声部;接下来是两首英国民谣,16世纪晚期至17世纪早期之间的爱尔兰曲调“Drunken Sailor”和18世纪苏格兰的“Wild Mountain Thyme”;然后是美国吉他家Andrew York的英国民谣风味的原创作品“Andecy”;最后是两部世界首度录音曲目:John Duarte为Isbin谱写的《Joan Baez组曲》Opus 144,以及Mark O’Connora特别为Isbin改写的小提琴与吉他组曲。 

这二十九首包括当初美国先民从欧洲到美国、在美国定居下来后的一些代表性歌曲。其中,像熟悉的英国民谣“绿袖子”,还有“醉酒水手”,这些歌曲相信当初都随着渡海而来的五月花号先民,一同被带进了新世界。随着时间漂移,定居美国的住民们,也开始创作出属于他们自己风格的歌曲,这也是专辑中与马友友合作多张阿帕拉契专辑的小提琴演奏家Mark O’Connora被请到片中的原因,他和Isbin合作的十三首“丝弦组曲”虽是由他所创作、Isbin所改编,却是一套道地的阿帕拉契西部民谣风的作品,曲中您可以听到Mark O’Connora大显身手,展现华丽的西部民谣小提琴演奏。