Parade of the Athletes

Parade of the Athletes



发行公司:Magik Muzik

DJ界的奥运英雄,世界排名百大DJ第一名国民DJ 提雅斯多,百年来唯一在世界百亿人见证表演DJ,2004雅典奥运开幕圣典浓缩精华版。这场世纪演出缔造了两项空前纪录:电子音乐首次在正式场合跃登国际舞台,而Tiesto也因全球电视直播的四亿收视族群成为史上同一时间内最多听众的DJ。Tiesto为了这一场

DJ界的奥运英雄,世界排名百大DJ第一名国民DJ 提雅斯多,百年来唯一在世界百亿人见证表演DJ,2004雅典奥运开幕圣典浓缩精华版。这场世纪演出缔造了两项空前纪录:电子音乐首次在正式场合跃登国际舞台,而Tiesto也因全球电视直播的四亿收视族群成为史上同一时间内最多听众的DJ。Tiesto为了这一场史无前例的演出,耗费了近一年的时间制作七首全新以雅典奥运为主题的音乐,搭配上Tiesto最脍炙人口的四首经典,其成名曲之一「Dallas 4pm」重新改编的「Breda 8pm」。这种以单一鲜明主题为出发点而重新制作整张专辑。

A dance DJ at the opening ceremony of the Olympics is something new and risky, but DJ Ti?sto pulled it off at the 2004 summer games in Greece. Parade of the Athletes is the soundtrack, not the whole soundtrack, but a collection so well put together you'd think the music was always supposed to flow like this. Ti?sto calls on the sounds of the old, electronic greats more than ever before. The influences of Jean Michel Jarre, Giorgio Moroder, and Tangerine Dream at their most dramatic are obvious. Ti?sto adds his own unique style of tension building and grandeur, but he doesn't play it safe. There's a surprising amount of dissonance in the slick trance here, always used to pump up the drama. Almost entirely instrumental and single-free, Parade of the Athletes displays that DJ Ti?sto is at his best when he's soundtracking. His previous albums suffered when they tried to hard, but here he tempers the ambition with respect and ends up with a fantastic record. It's a unique excursion for the DJ and not representative of his normal work, but it's also a giant step forward for the man and a great album to boot. 
