Barcelona Nights

Barcelona Nights




Following their widely-praised album ‘Legacy’ last year, Platinum-selling Dutch duo Vicetone have returned to Monstercat with their sultry new single,

Following their widely-praised album ‘Legacy’ last year, Platinum-selling Dutch duo Vicetone have returned to Monstercat with their sultry new single, “Barcelona Nights.” Drawing inspiration from bustling summer evenings across Spanish cityscapes, the Latin-inspired guitar chords and vibrant synths transport fans to lively nightclubs in the Catalonia capital. The aptly-titled single arrives at the perfect time, as it finds its way into every pool party and festival set this season.

在广受赞誉的首张专辑《Legacy》发布之后,知名电子音乐双人组Vicetone回到Monstercat,带来了他们的最新单曲 ‘Barcelona Nights’。专辑的热卖不仅仅让他们获得了更多的关注,也让他们在创作中更加自信。他们从夏日夜晚的西班牙城市景色中汲取灵感,用拉丁风的吉他和弦,以及动感的合成器,把听众们带到了加泰罗尼亚首府的Club之中。歌曲的发布时间也正值夏令时节,我们将在更多的泳池派对和音乐节当中听到这首热门单曲!

Vicetone share, “‘Barcelona Nights’ is named after that particular feeling you get going out in Barcelona at summer. It's hard to put into words - which is why we prefer to let the music do the talking. We love how this record came together and hope our fans will love it too.”

Vicetone表示,’Barcelona Nights’ 表达的是巴塞罗那的夏日所给你的一种特别体验,这很难用语言来表达,也是为什么我们更喜欢让音乐来表达这些内容。我们很喜欢这首歌诞生的过程,希望粉丝们也会喜欢。

The esteemed producer duo have cemented themselves as pop hitmakers and global dance authorities with chart-topping singles and viral fame. Their signature feel-good sound led them to remix artists like Dua Lipa, The Weeknd, Adele, and more, as well as perform major festivals from EDC China to Ultra Miami. As Vicetone gear up to hit the road this fall, stay tuned for dates to be announced soon.

这对备受大家喜爱的制作双人组凭借多首霸榜单曲和超高的人气巩固了自己在全球流行舞曲界的地位。他们标志性的,令人愉悦的音乐作品使他们大放异彩,不仅与Dua Lipa, The Weeknd, Adele等艺人进行了合作,同时也在EDC China和Ultra Miami等大型音乐节上演出。Vicetone已经蓄势待发,准备在今年的秋季为大家带来更多的演出,敬请期待。
