In Li Jiang

In Li Jiang



发行公司:ChinaMan Yard

"In Li Jiang" is both the Li River and the River Li, where every member of Jah Wah Zoo has been impressed by. The song was written in 2009 about life

"In Li Jiang" is both the Li River and the River Li, where every member of Jah Wah Zoo has been impressed by. The song was written in 2009 about life in Li Jiang, and then the band was invited to perform in Yangshuo on the Li River, where we met many friends and interesting people in both places. Two places, two memories, old songs, new songs, wind and sunshine. Special thanks: JahWahZoo guitarist Liu Xiaoyi who stayed up all night to arrange this song. Album cover: Liu Rui Stinging Ray "In Li Jiang" 是丽江也是漓江,Jah Wah Zoo的每个成员都对那里留下了深刻的印象。这首歌写于2009年的丽江生活,随后乐队受邀去了漓江边的阳朔演出,我们在这两个地方认识了许多朋友和有意思的人。两个地方、两段回忆、老歌新曲、风和日丽。 特别鸣谢:JahWahZoo吉他手刘潇轶熬更守夜的为这首歌编曲。 专辑封面:刘锐 Stinging Ray
