





专辑阵容包括同属于077TACEGANG厂牌、中国南部极具影响力的说唱组合#TACE中与他亦师亦友的RayChan;Hoodx一生的挚爱,拥有独特嗓音,国际腔调的女歌手Hazel;更是邀请到了来自美国康普顿的说唱新星D3的加盟助阵。编曲制作也得到了鬼卞、法老等知名说唱歌手的御用制作人TanX;来自成都,参与过成都集团、Digi Ghetto等大牌说唱歌手曲目制作的热门制作人Pablo;以及广西本地的新晋制作人,老朋友TaygoPrado等人的操刀支持。


“HOODEVER”是Hoodx以名字为灵感来源的自创词。原意“Stay in my hood forever”代表了他从小地方走出来,经历了种种起伏后仍然坚定于音乐梦想的初心。














It's time to way back.

"HOODEVER" is a new album created by Hoodx during 2020 to 2022. It is his first solo album after the VandalboyzClub group album.

The collab lineup includes RayChan——a mentor, a friend, also a member of the influential southern Chinese rap group #TACE and 077TACEGANG label; The love of Hoodx's life, Hazel——a female singer with a distinctive voice; He also had D3——a rising rap star from Compton, USA, to join him in the album.

In the production of the album, Hoodx had TanX, the producer who has worked with many famous rappers such as Guibian and MC Pharaoh; Pablo, a popular producer from Chengdu who has worked on the tracks of the most rap artist’s like Chengdu Corp. and Digi Ghetto; He also had an new local producer from Guangxi, his old friend TaygoPrado and many other friend’s support.

The album comes with two chapters, the style of the tracks are freely switching between all kinds of drums, Hoodx embodied the ups and downs in his 5-years rapping life in his tracks with his rapping skills, unique perspective towards things, smooth and natural flow, rich and exquisite voice tone, plus his melancholy and powerful lyric. To open up to the world that there is a frustrated and strong, a painful and peaceful, and a fighter's soul deep inside of him.

"HOODEVER" is the name inspired by Hoodx's own name.

The original meaning of HOODEVER——"Stay in my hood forever" represents his true self——that no matter what he has been through, he would never forget where he came from, what he fought for and what he believed in.

In every tracks, "HOODEVER" is the wooden house which is dilapidated but still standing behind him, it is also the lake without a ripple and only reflects himself.

"HOODEVER" is the unreachable utopia in a desert, it is also the safe house where he licks his wounds when he is in agony.

“HOODEVER” is the black sheep that represents evil and meekness, also the sacred angel represents holy and ethereality.

"HOODEVER" is the true love that he has been seeking for his whole life, also the true love he would never let go.

“HOODEVER” is the people who empathized by Hoodx's music, empowered by Hoodx's lyrics, also the people who still holding onto their dreams.

"HOODEVER" is you, the one who is reading this right at the moment, "HOODEVER" is me, the one who is writing this right now.


No matter who you are, you have the right to fight for your dreams.

No matter what you are, you can make your dreams come true.

The album is wrapped up by all Hoodx's boundless imaginations and the darkness inside of him.

The album presents the conflicts and the sincerity inside him all at the same time.

As the orchestra and piano plays, let us walk into the world of Hoodx, together on the path of thorns, it's time to way back.


Visual design:Cangwell's
