That's Life (feat. Disarray) (BlueWind Remix)

That's Life (feat. Disarray) (BlueWind Remix)




Hey BlueWind, MYST here.First of all thank you for participating in the remix competition!Unfortunately you did not win.BUT your remix was a contender

Hey BlueWind, MYST here.First of all thank you for participating in the remix competition!Unfortunately you did not win.BUT your remix was a contender for the win. It actually was between you and the winner!I really loved how you made the break. It's so intense. In many ways I like it more than my own track.I think you could have hyped the buildup a little more. The drop is awesome though!Also that part with the synth after the drop is so cool. The second break is so full with detail and I really like the guitar part. Also the drops after this are full with detail.I hope this remix served as a great testing ground. And please, please continue because the talent is undeniable. There is no doubt that you will succeed if you push through.Good luck on your journey!MYST
