New York Made Me

New York Made Me

歌手:Bohan Phoenix



继去年11月与中国台湾R&B歌手9m88合作推出的“GLORY(feat. 9m88)”, 华裔嘻哈歌手 Bohan Phoenix 将于4月29日迎来最新单曲 ”New York Made Me“。 自十一岁时移民到美国, 纽约就像他第二个家,在这个地方的生活及经历塑造了现在的Bohan Phoe

继去年11月与中国台湾R&B歌手9m88合作推出的“GLORY(feat. 9m88)”, 华裔嘻哈歌手 Bohan Phoenix 将于4月29日迎来最新单曲 ”New York Made Me“。 自十一岁时移民到美国, 纽约就像他第二个家,在这个地方的生活及经历塑造了现在的Bohan Phoenix。 每次离开纽约,他都倍感不舍,令他思考到底是因为城市的风貌、地道美食还是生活节奏令他常常记挂着这个地方。 最后他意识到是在纽约遇上的人--- 那些陪他走过高山低谷的「家人们」才是令他不舍的原因。 这首歌是他的一句「谢谢」,一句「我爱你」,藉由Bohan富有感情的说唱,诉说着他对这群家人、朋友的感激之情。 「是这个城市塑造了我、塑造了我们 --- New York Made me, New York Made us. 」 --- Bohan Phoenix


English blurb for your ref:

New York has been like a second home to me for the last twelve years, my time spent in this city has definitely shaped me the way I am. Every time when I leave, I miss it immediately. But when I ask myself why, is it the cityscape, the food and lifestyle, what makes it so hard for me to stay away even for just a few days, I couldn’t be sure. Then I realized it is the people. The people that I call family, the people that have been there with me through the thick and thin. It’s these people that I miss so dearly every time I leave New York, it’s these people who have my experiences and carried me onward. This song is a dedication to all of them, a “thank you”, a “I love you much and that I couldn’t possibly be here without you”. New York made me, New York made us.
