

歌手:李带菓(Li Daiguo)


发行公司:WV Sorcerer Productions 巫唱片

Is the robot bird a robot or a bird. Welcome to the wilderness of the future, welcome to the forest of the spirit world. The shadows of all matter are

Is the robot bird a robot or a bird. Welcome to the wilderness of the future, welcome to the forest of the spirit world. The shadows of all matter are here. We don’t need to listen to the power of electricity on a grid for the troglodytic drunk-step rave. Hear the sacred sound of energy not like a clock but like the wind, not like the measurement of time, but time itself.

機器鳥是機器還是鳥。歡迎到未來的動物園。就是說,目的地靈的世界的一個森林。所有物種的影子都在。假如靈魂最終就是一種能量,那我們跟電的關系應該是一種不需要把放在一個笨笨的格子模版上來聽的。尊重自然,拜拜電火雲等的神聖。 使用樂器 Instruments used: 模擬合成器 Analog machines (Cacophonous II, Double Knot, Soft Pop, 孟奇 Mengqi's Eggsmash & 花瓣 Petal), 大提琴 Cello, 中提琴 Viola, 琵琶 Pipa, 古箏 Guzheng, 鋼琴 Piano, 簫 Xiao, 巴烏 Bawu, 單簧管 Clarinet, 摩洛哥笛 Moroccan flute, 地鼓 Bass drum, 鑼 Gongs, 安比拉琴 Mbira, 人聲 Voice , 東西 Random things