静地回升 T.I.M.E

静地回升 T.I.M.E

歌手:王宇波 Sylvian Wang



当代舞剧《静地回升》由谢欣编演,王宇波作曲,谢欣舞蹈剧场制作及演出的一部关于记忆与时间交错的 全新力作。仿佛过了一半的人生,才知记忆的牵绊......在内心的深处,在记忆最尽头,在生 命的过往里,总有一个欠你一句“对不起”的人。那些以为已经自洽的过往,依旧藏于内心, 你所有的深刻记忆都会闪回,犹如静

当代舞剧《静地回升》由谢欣编演,王宇波作曲,谢欣舞蹈剧场制作及演出的一部关于记忆与时间交错的 全新力作。仿佛过了一半的人生,才知记忆的牵绊......在内心的深处,在记忆最尽头,在生 命的过往里,总有一个欠你一句“对不起”的人。那些以为已经自洽的过往,依旧藏于内心, 你所有的深刻记忆都会闪回,犹如静地回升...... Choreographed by XIE Xin, composed by Sylvian Wang, produced and performed by Xiexin Dance Theatre (XDT), the brand new contemporary dance theatre work T.I.M.E explores the interplay between memories and the time. As time passes by, seemingly, it is not until halfway along the journey that we start to recognize that those memories are part of who we are... Looking back at the journey we traveled, we come to realize that deep inside our hearts, somewhere in our memories, there is always someone who we owe him/her a "sorry". You thought you've let it go and have been living in peace with it, however, it is still there. Every tiny bit of those profound moments will flash back, just like the echo of time... 作品的英文名为 T.I.M.E,恰如其分的建构了这部作品里的情感内核:T 代表着温度 (Temperature)、心灵传输(Teleportation);I 是自我、重要的时刻(Important)、还有想象 (Imagination);M 是记忆(Memory)和心智(Mind);E 是能量(Energy)和感性(Emotional)。 当代舞剧《静地回升》由上海国际舞蹈中心剧场委约。 As its English name T.I.M.E implies, the 4 letters construct and unveil the emotional essence of this dance piece: T stands for Temperature and Teleportation; I for Inner self, Important (moments) and Imagination; M is about Memory and Mind while E refers to Energy and Emotional. The contemporary dance theater work T.I.M.E is commissioned by Shanghai International Dance Center Theater. 封面摄影:胡一帆 Photography: Yifan Hu 封面设计:宋松 Art Design: Song Song 出品方:谢欣舞蹈剧场 Presented by:Xiexin Dance Theatre