Slow Down

Slow Down

歌手:Chuck Tour



Happy Valentine Y'all!!! This song is originally from Mac Ayres, and it made a huge impact on me, that’s why I decided to make my own version of this

Happy Valentine Y'all!!! This song is originally from Mac Ayres, and it made a huge impact on me, that’s why I decided to make my own version of this one. The recording part of this song was easy(kind of), I spent only a week on recording the vocals with Teresa, and only 1 hour with Jarius on the bass the night before he leaves the town. But the time that I put after the recording to actually make the song is longggggggggggg..... I almost give up halfway, until 5month later I heard the original track again when I was on the phone to talk with a good friend mine.that’s when I decided to go finish it at least ,then the next thing you know is me putting another two or three months on recording my part of the harmony and rap on it and simplify the instrumentation and “pure the bass line” then mixing and mastering myself which is Very hard, considering that I’m the one that actually made this. Anyways... I just couldn’t think of A better timing to put this one out. Hope Y'all like it and share it with your friends. Bye!

情人节快乐啦大家!,这首歌的原唱是Mac Ayres,第一次听见这首歌的时候它的旋律与歌词就深深地打动了我,这也就是为什么我决定要做自己的版本来致敬(或者只是证明我可以做的不一样)。录制这首歌的部分比较简单,我花了一周时间来录Teresa的人声部分,而Bassline与Jarius只花了一个小时在他马上离开沈阳的前一晚,但做后期却花了将近一年时间。有一段时间甚至放弃了几个月,但直到我再次听到了这首歌的原唱版本,就又一次更加坚定了我要完成这首歌的决心。紧接着就是花了两个月的时间录制我的和声和说唱部分,反复的听,反复的完善,之后混音,母带处理。又把这首歌放在那里沉淀了几个月。我想不到有比今天更好的时间去发布这首歌了,在这祝有情人钟情眷属。(仅以此歌献给我即将迈入婚姻殿堂的好哥们儿,成曦凯。)
