


Intelligent Digital Meditation

  While electronic music remains either experimental or danceable in the west, Chinese artists make

  it meditative. Ir

Intelligent Digital Meditation

  While electronic music remains either experimental or danceable in the west, Chinese artists make

  it meditative. Ironically, most of them choose electronic music just because they could not afford

  instruments, studio or another band member. However they usually found it is the platform they

  want for their less physical sound.

  The learning curve of Nino’s mouse clicking is long one, but not steep. Being the guitarist of a

  goth-industrial band, he is just another musician who was frustrated by his relationship (or lack

  thereof) with the music industry. After the band went nowhere and his life came into a stall in

  bedroom, Nino grew interest in music software, which was naturally stemmed from his studio

  production and guitar sampling experience. Meanwhile, just like any musician who’s fed up with the

  emptiness after a rock n’ roll hangover, he took a long time searching for enlightenment and

  became mesmerized with Zen. When his belief married his sequencing mindscape, two new albums, 0628

  and Go India in the New Year, come into being.

  0628 is a typical example of Nino’s reclusive yet expressive style. The title, named after the

  artist’s birth date, hints a long journey of joy and suffering. Each piece, depicting a state of

  mind with minimal structure, is integrated into this conceptual album as metaphor of life itself.

  No ecstasy or turmoil, only light and shadow. It is max-self in composition experience just as an

  effort for non-self in listening experience. Both reveal the vastness of life at the edge of your

  consciousness, and transform into each other in constant flux. The music requires concentration

  but leads to freedom.

  Go India in the New Year offers more mellow sound, occasionally gloomy but generally delightful.

  The title is Nino’s joyful salute to his Zen belief and the purpose of such music is purely for

  relaxing. It is more evident in this album that Nino just uses the existing elements for his

  organic purpose, proving music is just another effective vehicle for Zen ideology. Nino’s works

  revive minimalism’s oriental root and exploit mass-market samples in as-is mode. Go to his garage

  sales, get some breakbeat to give your meditation a kick start.

