打鬼原声带 (二)

打鬼原声带 (二)

歌手:三牲献艺百合花 Lilium




由台湾团队采用 Unreal Engine 4 研发的《打鬼PAGUI》是款第三人称动作冒险游戏,结合台湾传统民俗文化。



由台湾团队采用 Unreal Engine 4 研发的《打鬼PAGUI》是款第三人称动作冒险游戏,结合台湾传统民俗文化。




由台湾团队采用 Unreal Engine 4 研发的《打鬼PAGUI》是款第三人称动作冒险游戏,结合台湾传统民俗文化。




是一个落实风土采集,并将电子音乐与台湾庙宇音乐元素混种、融合,为全新形态的电子音乐演出团体;创作者们将自己转化成了献艺的海、陆、空三种牲礼的角色来创作,由知名音乐制作人-柯智豪(Blaire Ko)发起,加上音乐圈重量级电音制作人-郑各均(Sonic Deadhorse)、黄凯宇(fish.the)所组成;并有年轻的影像设计-邱智群(Children Chiu)(实时影像投影/演出等)等人所组成的艺术团队。


由林奕硕、林威佐、邱莉舒、刘棕予组成。创作台式粗莽的 Lo-fi 美学,含混戏谑悲哀的台语歌词,冷静、缓慢且迷幻的曲风,用以表达对身边的事情的思考、语言的生命力的强悍。主张美感的不同面向,尴尬矛盾的近距离质感,这就是百合花。新专辑由电音鬼才-Sonic Deadhorse操刀


▓ 连结

《三牲献艺》[Sam-seng-hiàn-gē] https://www.facebook.com/sshg2014/

《百合花》Lilium https://www.facebook.com/taiwanflower/

《打鬼》PAGUI http://www.paguigame.com

The《PAGUI》developed by the Taiwan team using Unreal Engine 4 is a third-person action adventure game that combines traditional Taiwanese folk culture.

In 1947, Taiwan experienced a period of turmoil. Seven years later, in 1954, an orphan who was taken in by the temple inadvertently heard his own life, so he started to find out his life secretly and set foot on the magical journey of finding a relative.

[Sam-seng-hiàn-gē] and Lilium were invited to compose the《PAGUI》soundtrack and to jointly inject the musical energy of Taiwan.

[Sam-seng-hiàn-gē] is a special group of electronic music performances that implements the collection of terroirs and mixes and integrates electronic music with the elements of Taiwanese temple music.The creators transform themselves into the sea, land and air as three kind roles of ritual offerings for God to produce music woks.The creation, initiated by renowned music producer, Blaire Ko(Ko Jhih-Hao), is complemented by and other two famous electronic music artists, Sonic Deadhorse (Jheng,Ge-Jyun) , fish.the (Huang,Kai-yu ) and a young Visual artist, Children Chiu (Chiu,Chih-Chun) (immediate image projection/performance, etc.).

Lilium team members consists of LIN,I-SHUO,LIN,WEI-ZUO,CHIU,LI-SHU and LIU,TSUNG-YU. They create straightforward,delicate aesthetics of music and lyrics are full of banter.Calm, slow and psychedelic is their music style.Their music express their thinking around life and the strength of the language. Advocating the different aspects of beauty, the awkward-conflicting close-range texture,That is Lilium.(The new album is supervised by Sonic Deadhorse.)

The music of [Sam-seng-hiàn-gē] and Lilium is full of Taiwanese culture and spirit, and also novel and amazing techniques are combined to let the players smash the ghosts in the magic of the night sky . Let’s fight now!

▓ Link

《三牲献艺》[Sam-seng-hiàn-gē] https://www.facebook.com/sshg2014/

《百合花》Lilium https://www.facebook.com/taiwanflower/

《打鬼》PAGUI http://www.paguigame.com
